Alzheimer’s CafA!X Pasadena will hold its monthly meeting on March 11, 2014 at the Brookside Golf Club (Madrid Room), 1133 Rosemont Avenue in Pasadena, from 9-11AM. We invite people living with dementia, along with their care partners and family members, to join us for a casual social gathering to share their experiences and learn more about this journey.
Time will be spent enjoying interesting conversation with new friends who are experiencing similar circumstances and provide an opportunity to learn more about Alzheimer’s and other dementia illnesses at a pace that’s comfortable for participants.
The Alzheimer’s CafA!X is held monthly on the second Tuesday. Anyone living with or caring for those with Alzheimer’s or other dementia in the Crescenta & San Gabriel Valleys are invited. Attendance is free. RSVPs are requested to Diane at or by phone at (626) 460-3413.
The Alzheimer’s CafA!X Pasadena is an informal way to make contact with others and have a place to just be yourself, in an environment where you don’t have to avoid or deny the illness. Visit on the web at or on Facebook at
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Monrovia Weekly Living with Dementia – visit Alzheimer’s Cafe March 11
Living with Dementia – visit Alzheimer’s Cafe March 11
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