Young Female Tortie (Tortoiseshell)
Born approx. 2/2013
MIRA is short for Miracle, and that’s just what cute little Mira is! She was abandoned, starving, in a hot parking lot, meowing loudly. No one would help her. Then, a kind “angel” heard her pleas, and scooped her up. The angel saw to it that Mira is now healthy, vaccinated, well-fed, playful, and most of all, happy and loving. She even knows some words! Now she just needs a forever home. Can it be yours?
Call Shazi at 626-676-9505 or Kathy at 626-797-1753 for an adoption application or more information on this cat or any other cat on our website. See us in person most Sundays at Petsmart, 3347 E. Foothill Blvd. in Pasadena, 12:30-3:30 p.m.
Lifeline For Pets is a no-kill rescue organization operated solely by volunteers.
Lifeline For Pets website: Click on “Cat Pad” & scroll down to find this cat.
Facebook: Please “Like” us and “Share.”
Adopted: Lacy, Summer, Sammi, Penelope, Emerson, Cosmo, Taz
Still Available: Ziggy, Kayley, Annie, Sugar & Spice, Natalie