The U.S. Senate passed a bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform proposal by an overwhelming margin of 68 to 32 last week.
“Today is a landmark moment in the fight to fulfill America’s promise as a nation of immigrants. More than two thirds of the Senate, from all reaches of the country and both ends of the political spectrum, answered the call for immigration reform that the American people made loud and clear in last year’s election. In doing so, they also leveled a challenge for the House to follow suit.
“So far, the House Republicans’ strategy for immigration reform has been to slow-walk and cherry pick. On the same day that the Senate passed their compromise bill, the House marked up an ideological bill that completely disregarded the needs of minority and immigrant communities laid out by the Congressional Tri-Caucus.
“This overt partisanship cannot last if the House is going to rise to the occasion. I urge my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to join us in good faith to solve our immigration problems, and to stop undercutting the sincere efforts that Republicans and Democrats in the Senate have put forth. The time for immigration reform is undoubtedly now, and the time for the political games to end has long passed. We must get this done.” Judy Chu told Beacon Media last week.