
Dorothy’s Place: Gorgeous?

Well I did it again. I had a beauty treatment. It was a heat treatment and it worked. I looked gorgeous. Actually, it was my legs that looked gorgeous.
Let me explain. You see, every year at the end of summer I take a pledge. I say I’m going to toss all my shorts because I’ll not be wearing them any more. I’m too old and my legs show it–bulging veins along with various and numerous other flaws. I face reality and suck it up. I stuff my shorts into the rag bag. They will make good dust cloths.
Then it happens. Summer returns and temperatures rise. The higher those temperatures rise, the higher the temptation to pull those dust rags from the bag with no intention of ever touching them to a piece of furniture.
Last week Mother Nature surprised us and sent us some pre-summer high temps. Thus my heat beauty treatment.
The temperature reading on my back porch thermostat slid up well over 100. I remembered that the higher the temperature rises, the better I look in shorts. So, when that arrow passed 100, my heat beauty treatment took effect and I realized once again that I would look absolutely gorgeous in those shorts. I was so glad I had not thrown them away, nor had I yet dusted anything with them. I took them out of the bag and slid them over my now gorgeous legs.
Now, if you want to see me in them you will have to stop by my house. I will not be strolling through any public places in them. I’m well aware that beauty is in the eye of the beholder or, in this case, the pretender. Even God and the sun can do only so much!

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