On Saturday, June 29 at Northview Middle School, the City of Duarte will host their Annual Relay for Life. The American Cancer Society is celebrating 100 years – fighting for a cancer free world. Our goal is to honor 100 cancer survivors from the community and remember those lost to cancer. Survivors & Caregivers will be treated to a free Survivor Breakfast and Gift Bags filled with goodies from local merchants. The traditional luminaria ceremony will take place at dusk and is dedicated to the memory of those lost to the disease. Northview’s track will be lined with candle lit luminaries, while participants walk a lap by the light of hope and memory. Survivors must RSVP for breakfast by emailing Penny Arroyo at arroyopenny@yahoo.com.
Relay For Life is an overnight event increasing cancer awareness while raising much-needed funds for the American Cancer Society’s programs and services for the local community. Teams composed of as many as 15 people from local companies, clubs, neighborhoods and families raise funds prior to the event. At the Relay, team members take turns walking around the track, relay-style. Participants camp out and enjoy music, entertainment and food while building team spirit to help in the fight against cancer.
Visit Duarte Relay for Life on Facebook for the latest event activities scheduled (Be sure to Like Us). For information on team registration, volunteering and programming, call Penny Arroyo at 626.755.1636 or email, arroyopenny@yahoo.com.
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Arcadia Weekly Candles will glow in honor of survivors and those lost to cancer at American Cancer Society relay for life event
Candles will glow in honor of survivors and those lost to cancer at American Cancer Society relay for life event
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