Week without Violence Slated for Oct. 15 – Oct. 21
-Courtesy Photo
Violence is plaguing our country; it’s in our homes, schools and in our communities. The YWCA Pasadena-Foothill Valley wants residents to speak out during the Annual YWCA Week Without Violence, October 15th through 21st. This is the 18th year the organization has participated in the campaign, which was launched as a grassroots movement in 1995 and has since spread to all 50 states and more than 30 countries.
“We are looking at violence affecting the women and girls of this country on an epic scale; it is time to put a stop to the violence epidemic. We are saying enough!” said Tamika Farr, YWCA Executive Director.
During this year’s Week Without Violence, the YWCA will focus its attention on practical, sustainable non-violent alternatives each day: Monday-Women for Racial Justice Breakfast honoring Dolores Huerta, President of Dolores Huerta Foundation and Co-Founder of United Farm Workers, at the Pasadena Hilton; Tuesday-Wells Fargo Financial Literacy Workshop for Domestic Violence Survivors hosted by Lisa Raye of VH1’s “Single Ladies” at the YWCA; Wednesday-Campus Takeover Anti-Violence Pep Rally at Washington Middle School; Friday-Youth Want Comedy Also, Comedy Show Expo at the YWCA.
“We are thankful to the many partnerships that have jumped on board to make this year the biggest and most impactful year yet. We have an eventful week planned and it is our hope that the Pasadena community not only enjoys our events but feels empowered to help reduce violence in our neighborhoods,” said Karen Draine, Program Director of the YWCA Pasadena-Foothill Valley.
Additional sponsors and partners are welcome to join the YWCA Pasadena-Foothill Valley in presenting the 2012 campaign. Those interested should contact Karen Draine, Program Manager at 626-296-8433. For additional information about the annual Week Without Violence and the schedule of events please visit www.ywca-pasadena.org.
The YWCA would like to give special thanks to its committed partners and sponsors: Commission on the Status of Women, Office of Senator Carol Lui, City of Pasadena, Pasadena Police Department, 300 Pasadena, Peace Over Violence, Institute for Girls Development, Wells Fargo, Flintridge Center, A&E Nights, Pasadena Community Television Network, Office of the City Manager, Pacific Oaks College, Washington Middle School and Dr. Dara, DDS.
About the YWCA Pasadena-Foothill Valley
The YWCA Pasadena-Foothill Valley has been serving the Pasadena and its surrounding areas since 1905. Established as an advocacy unit for young women who migrated to Pasadena for various socio-economic reasons, the YWCA has since been a pioneering voice in the fight for racial justice and women empowerment. More information can be found on the organizations website www.ywca-pasadena.org.