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Home Neighborhood San Fernando Valley Glendale to host Clothing Swap & Repair Café

Glendale to host Clothing Swap & Repair Café

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The City of Glendale’s Office of Sustainability and Glendale Library, Arts, & Culture have announced the return of the Clothing Swap & Repair Café, two community-driven events happening back-to-back weekends to promote waste reduction, reuse, and repair. 

At the Clothing Swap, participants can bring gently used clothing to exchange with others—refreshing their wardrobes while keeping textiles out of landfills. The Repair Café connects residents with skilled volunteers who help fix lamps, toasters, bicycles, clothing, and more, teaching hands-on repair skills in the process.  

So far, residents have swapped 2,030 pounds of textiles and repaired nearly 400 items. Collectively, the Clothing Swaps and Repair Cafés have diverted a total of 2,430 pounds from landfills.

The calendar of Clothing Swaps and Repair Café’s so far is as follows: 

Clothing & Art Supply SwapSaturday, March 1, 202511:00 AM – 1:00 PMBrand Library
Repair CafeSaturday, March 8, 202510:00 AM – 1:00 PMBrand Library
Teen Clothing & Prom Attire SwapSaturday, May 10, 202511:00 AM – 1:00 PMCentral Library, Teen Space
Clothing SwapSaturday June 7, 202511:00 AM – 1:00 PMBrand Studios
Repair Café with K9 BrisketSaturday June 14, 202510:00 AM – 1:00 PMBrand Studios

These events are free and open to all. If you’re a mechanic, tailor, tinkerer, or DIY enthusiast interested in volunteering at the Repair Café, sign up at GlendaleCA.gov/RepairCafe.  

For more information on these events, visit GlendaleCA.gov/ClothingSwap and GlendaleCA.gov/RepairCafe. 

The first Clothing Swap of the year, scheduled for Saturday, will feature an Art Supplies Swap, offering more ways to give items a second life. The following swap, on May 10, will focus specifically on teen clothing and prom attire. Then, on June 14, the Repair Café will include a dog-toy repair station and a special visit from Glendale Police Department’s very own K9 Brisket.

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