Arcadia Crime Blotters: Jan. 17–23
At2:52 a.m., an officer responded the 900 block of South Golden West Avenueregarding a theft from vehicle report. The victim discovered an unidentifiedsuspect had entered his unlocked 2009 GMC truck and fled with his wallet anddriver’s license. The officer was unable to locate any surveillance camerasthat may have captured the incident.
At6:18 a.m., an officer took a telephonic report of abattery that had just occurred at CVS Pharmacy, located at 1401 S. Baldwin Ave.The victim, a store employee, said the suspect spit on him when her debit cardwas declined. The suspect then threw a glass bowl at the victim before leavingin a black Hyundai sedan. The suspect is described as a Hispanic female,approximately 30-years-old, 5-foot-1 to 5-foot-2, with short hair and colorfultattoos on her arms and legs. The investigation is pending a review of thesurveillance footage.
At7:23 p.m., an officer responded to Nordstrom, located at 400 S. Baldwin Ave.,regarding a grand theft report. A loss prevention employee witnessed threesuspects steal five designer handbags and flee to their blackforeign-manufactured sedan. All three suspects are described as a Black males,between the ages of 16 and 22-years-old, about 5-foot-10, between 150 and 160pounds, and were seen wearing a camouflage hooded sweatshirt, a blue Dodgershooded sweatshirt, and a black hooded sweatshirt. The investigation is ongoing.
At 7:55 p.m., an officer took a telephonic report of an incident of fraud. The victims contacted the suspect’s supposed rug cleaning company to have their rugs cleaning. The suspect picked up the rugs at the victims’ home and issued them a handwritten receipt. When the victims inquired as to when their rugs would be ready, the suspect denied having the rugs and demanded payment. The suspect is described as a Middle Eastern man, approximately 20 to 25-years-old, and around 6 feet tall. The investigation is ongoing.
At 5:50 p.m., an officer took a telephonic report of a possible fraud investigation involving an Arcadian resident. The victim stated he purchased a puppy off the website During the transaction, the victim was contacted by the suspect/seller and instructed to pay addition fees well above the agreed upon amount. The victim paid the additional fees, but the dog was ultimately never delivered. The victim then realized the transaction was a scam. The suspect used the name of “Mark Roland.” The investigation is ongoing.
At8:14 a.m., an officer responded to an AT&T Cell Site, located at 20 E.Foothill Blvd., regarding a grand theft report. The employee discovered a largeamount of copper wire had been stolen from the location sometime betweenNovember and Jan. 20. There are no investigative leads as of the date of thisreport.
At11:27 a.m., an officer responded to 7-Eleven, located at 200 E. Live Oak Ave.,regarding a vandalism report. An investigation revealed the suspect becameagitated when the store clerk refused to give him matches. As the suspect leftthe store, he punched a glass window, causing it to shatter. The suspect, a41-year-old local transient, was arrested and transported to the Arcadia CityJail for booking.
At1:51 p.m., an officer took a telephonic report of a package theft that occurredin the 00 block of West Camino Real Avenue. Surveillance footage revealed aHispanic female stole the victim’s package from her porch at approximately 1:30p.m. on Jan. 20. The suspect is described as 5 feet 5 inches tall,approximately 200 pounds, and was seen wearing mask and a black shirt andpants. She fled in an older model minivan. The suspect has not yet been identifiedas of the date of this report.
At12:53 p.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 900 block of FallingLeaf Road regarding a theft from vehicle report. The officer discovered anunknown suspect entered the victim’s unlocked vehicle and fled with theregistration and the victim’s insurance card. The incident was not captured bysurveillance cameras.
At6:08 p.m., an officer responded to Macy’s, located at 400 S. Baldwin Ave.,regarding a suspect in custody for theft. Surveillance footage revealed thesuspect stole luggage and various other items. The 50-year-old female fromAlhambra was cited and released in the field.
At2:36 a.m., an officer responded to Hall of Fame, located at 319 E. Foothill Blvd.,regarding an attempted commercial burglary report. An investigation revealed anunknown suspect used a pry tool to enter the business but failed and fled empty-handed.The investigation is ongoing.
At1:56 p.m., an officer responded to Magnolia, located at 124 E. Foothill Blvd.,regarding a burglary investigation. The victim discovered her company van,which was parked at the location, had been broken into and ransacked. The victimthen also noticed someone had damaged the lock to the business in an attempt toenter. The total loss is unknown at this time.
At4:57 p.m., an officer responded to a dog bite victim’s residence in the 5400block of Santa Anita Avenue. The victim stated she was bitten by a stray dog inthe area of Santa Anita Avenue and Palm Drive. An investigation revealed thedog escaped from its owner’s yard. The dog owner was cooperative with theinvestigation and will submit relevant surveillance footage.
At12:31 a.m., an officer responded to the 5400 block of El Monte Avenue in TempleCity regarding the activation of a GPS tracker concealed in a bait package.Upon contacting the suspect in possession of the stolen package, he admitted tothe crime. The 50-year-old male from Corona was arrested and transported to theArcadia City Jail for booking.