Jan. 14
At 9:06 a.m., a guest at a hotel in the 1100 block of East Huntington called 9-1-1 and then hung up. Officers responded and discovered the caller’s boyfriend had just battered her, causing injuries. He then forcefully took her cellphone from her and broke it, endangering their six-month-old baby, as she was holding the child as all of this occurred. The suspect was apprehended by officers as he was fleeing the area. After a thorough investigation was conducted, the suspect was arrested.
At 6:39 p.m., a resident in the 200 block of West Pomona called to report someone had broken into her vehicle. Sometime during the evening, someone shattered her vehicle window and took several items from inside. Investigation is continuing.
At 8:54 p.m., a resident in the 500 block of Cloverleaf called police to report he just saw a male suspect break into a neighbor’s mailbox. The suspect left the area on foot. Officers arrived and searched the area but were unable to locate the suspect. Investigation is continuing.
At 11:11 p.m., a resident in the 800 block of Norumbega called to report a solo vehicle traffic collision. Officers arrived and spoke with the occupants. The driver displayed signs of being under the influence of alcohol. A DUI investigation was completed, and it was determined the driver was operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. He was arrested and held for a sobering period.
Jan. 15
At 4:28 a.m., an officer was on patrol in the 900 block of West Foothill when he saw a subject he recognized from previous contacts. He was aware this subject was wanted in relation to two felony investigations. The officer detained the subject, confirmed the wanted person warrant, and then arrested the subject.
Jan. 16
At 3:10 a.m., a resident in the 300 block of East Foothill called police to report that a black Mustang had collided into something and drove away. Officers responded and followed a trail of fluid from the area. The vehicle was located in a nearby parking structure. The vehicle had front-end damage. The driver was still sitting in the driver’s seat of the vehicle. A computer check revealed she had two outstanding warrants for her arrest. Officers searched the area but could not locate the other half of the collision. Day watch officers were notified in case a victim called to report a hit and run. The driver was arrested.
At 10:30 a.m., an officer was dispatched to a business in the 600 block of West Huntington regarding a grand theft of merchandise. One male and two female suspects entered the store and selected six bed comforters. The suspects fled from the store without paying in a black, four-door Volkswagen Jetta. This investigation is continuing.
At 12:05 p.m., a resident in the 200 block of East Cherry called police to report a theft. The victim parked his Ford Excursion on the street in front of his residence the evening before. At 7 a.m., the victim heard his vehicle alarm sounding. When he went outside to check his vehicle, he saw a white Volkswagen Bug fleeing from the area. He started his vehicle and discovered his catalytic converter had been stolen off the vehicle. Investigation continuing.
At 7:16 p.m., a community member called police to report a possible DUI driver in the 600 block of South Mountain. An officer located the vehicle and saw the driver commit several vehicle code violations. A traffic stop was conducted, and the driver displayed signs of being under the influence of alcohol. A DUI investigation was completed, and it was determined the driver was operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. He was arrested and held for a sobering period.
At 7:30 p.m., a male subject called police to report his vehicle was just taken from the 800 block of West Duarte without his permission. He informed dispatch that his 20-year-old female friend was inside the vehicle when it was taken. Officers responded to the scene and conducted a thorough investigation. All surrounding agencies were notified, and the Foothill Air Support Team was utilized. After a lengthy investigation, it was learned that the female subject willingly went with the suspect and was not kidnapped. At around 11 p.m., Pasadena Police Department advised they had located the vehicle in their city. The male driver was arrested, and the female subject confirmed that she willingly went with the suspect, whom she knew. She was interviewed and released at the scene.
Jan. 17
At 3:57 a.m., a resident in the area of Shamrock and Almond called to report a male suspect attempting to break into a neighbor’s vehicle. When the suspect saw the resident, he entered a white Van and left the area. Officers searched the area and located the van. One suspect was underneath the van, and another was inside. Both were detained. In plain view, the officer could see several catalytic converters and burglary tools in the rear of the van. The suspects were arrested and taken into custody.
Jan. 18
At 10:48 p.m., officers were patrolling the area near Alta Vista and Short when they observed a suspicious parked vehicle. They ran the license plate on the vehicle and found it had been reported stolen. The vehicle was unoccupied. The officers contacted the registered owner of the vehicle, and they responded and recovered it at the scene.
Jan. 20
At 2:23 a.m., officers were on patrol near the area of Mayflower and Chestnut when they saw a bicyclist commit a vehicle code violation. They stopped the bicyclist and made contact with her. A consent search of her backpack revealed drug paraphernalia. She was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia.
At 10:28 a.m., a burglary was reported at a business in the 1300 block of South Shamrock. An unknown suspect entered the location through the rear doors and stole an iPad and several other items. Video surveillance of the location was recovered, and the investigation is ongoing.
At 3:43 p.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 900 block of West Huntington. The vehicle is a burgundy Chevy Silverado that was parked at the location. The suspects arrived in a large SUV and stole the victim’s vehicle. The vehicle was entered into law enforcement stolen vehicle system. The investigation is continuing.