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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Monrovia Weekly / Pillar of Monrovia: Betty Sanford

Pillar of Monrovia: Betty Sanford

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June18, 1927 – Jan. 13, 2021

BySusan Motander

Weare sad to tell you that the remarkable Betty Sandford has passed away. She wasknown as an activist, mentor and fighter for the underserved. She devotedherself to the community of Monrovia, where she was born and lived for over 90years. 

MayorTom Adams wrote: “Betty Sandford was truly one of the Pillars of the Community.She and her husband Jules were a force for good in Monrovia for decades, alwayslooking to improve Monrovia, in a very positive manner.”

Bettyworked on more committees than I can recall but one that really comes to lifeis her serving on the Monrovia Centennial some 35 years ago. It was a wonderfultime in Monrovia and Betty was a large part of that. Her service as a member ofthe Monrovia Unified School Board of Education was very notable along with allthe other places she served. Betty never said no, she was always willing andvery capable of helping.

Shewill be missed but she left her mark and leaves Monrovia much better than shefound it. The Monrovia City Council closed its meeting on Jan. 19 in hermemory, and a great memory it is.

Herinvolvement in Monrovia’s City Council politics was from behind thescenes. She backed Bob Bartlett, Eric Faith and Pat Ostrey when they ranfor City Council on a platform of saving Monrovia which in the 1970s was slowlydying. Those three turned the city around with Betty and Jules backingthem all the way.

Followingin the footsteps of her husband, Jules, Betty served for several years on theboard of directors of the Foothill Unity Center. Foothill Unity Center’sExecutive Directors for the past 25 years, Joan Whitenack (1995 to 2012) andBetty McWilliams (2012 to present) wrote: “Betty Sandford was not only a pillarfor the whole community, she was one of Foothill Unity Center’spillars. She was instrumental in the founding of Foothill Unity Center asa safety net for the poor, which she supported for 40 years. She and husband,Jules, each served as Directors on the Board — helping in so manyways. Betty really walked her talk (and talked others into helping too)!”

Iwas privileged to serve with Betty on several committees with Betty in conjunctionwith Unity Center. She always lectured me on how to be a communityleader. She told me, “Be the person who delegates the job of making thesandwiches to someone, not the person who makes the tuna fishsandwiches.” She wanted me to be a leader rather than a follower. Ifailed; I like to cook.

Alwaysconcerned about education, she served on the Monrovia School Board. Betty’sphilosophy was always, “Don’t just talk about a problem, dosomething.” She also helped organize the campaigns for several othersuccessful candidates. Betty always picked winner.

Herinvolvement with the schools led to her support of the Louise K. Taylor’sPerforming Arts Center’s Professional Productions for the Community. Shewas honored at the last gala two years ago for her dedication to theproductions. She supported and attending them all. She even hostedthe kickoff party for the beginning of the project and some of the openingnight parties.

PatrickGarcia remembered at that last gala he sang “Too Wonderful for Words” ashis tribute to Betty. He said, “When we started the professionalperformances, she hosted our first party and told me, ‘Patrick whatever youneed, I will help you with.’ She was a true lady, a gem.”

Travel,adventure and experiencing other cultures was a passion for Betty. Shejourneyed to every continent, with the exception of Antarctica. 

Shewas a voracious reader, preferring non-fiction, always wanting to learnsomething new. Following this interest, she supported Monrovia Reads, thefoundation dedicated to establishing 100% literacy in Monrovia. She even servedas the founding secretary of the board of directors.  As JoanneSpring, the founding president, said, “She was relentless about anything shewas involved with — she gave it her attention 24/7 and 100% effort. She wascommitted to living in a literate community.”

Shewas also a founding member of Monrovia ChangeMakers, a group working tocelebrate the great ethnic diversity of Monrovia. As its current president,Lois Gaston wrote: “Betty Sandford’s dedication to the elimination of bigotry,discrimination and social injustice was unrelenting. Her efforts resulted in,among many other noteworthy things, Mimi Mency and Bob Bartlett (the first AfricanAmericans to hold the office) and Pat Ostrye (a Catholic woman) being electedto public office in Monrovia. She leaves Monrovia ChangeMakers as a legacy forus and future generations to benefit from her wisdom, to cherish her memory,and to continue the work. On a personal note, I am honored to have known her,had her call me a close friend and trusted me to help her found and leadMonrovia ChangeMakers.”

Bettybecame an avid runner in her late 40s, running the hills and streets ofMonrovia and beyond. She won numerous races in her age category, and maintainedher fitness routine, working out with her trainer three days each week, upuntil her death.

Bettyworked hard in the nuclear freeze movement. When Al Gore led the first climatechange conference in Brazil, she was there. 

Inher late 80s, Betty took up the jazz drums, and was so fortunate to have therenowned jazz drummer, the great Roy McCurdy as her instructor. If youever heard her play, she was actually quite good.

Bettyloved food — she could taste any dish and tell you what was in it. I thought shehad great taste as she loved my sweet kugel.

AlthoughBetty said she never told a lie, she certainly knew how to embellish a story.

Althoughher achievements and honors are many, Betty Sandford was the mother of Randy,Leslie and Kevin Sandford, the grandmother of Sarah, Rebecca, Alicia and Mia,and newest grandchildren Molly, Mason and Merrin. 

“Betty Sandford grew up in a Monrovia characterized bybigotry and segregation.  She took thepain of her youth and transformed it into a beacon light for positive change,inclusiveness, and healing.  The Monrovia of today bearslittle resemblance to that long ago time and yet, as Betty would be the firstto remind us, we must remain vigilant to keep that hard-won change.  Her role for the last fifty years isunequaled.” – Steve Baker

Shewas extraordinary in these roles. If you would like to honor Betty, the familyasks that you please donate to yourfavorite charity,write a letter to the editor, volunteer, do something to make our world, ourcountry or your community a better place — Betty always did.

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