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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Monrovia Weekly / Monrovia Crime Blotters: Jan 7–13

Monrovia Crime Blotters: Jan 7–13

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At1:23 a.m., a vehicle traveling east on Foothill was approaching Mountain andfailed to stop at the posted stop sign. The vehicle continued through theintersection and hit the driveway at a residence in the 100 block of SouthMountain, launching the vehicle over the front porch area and into the livingroom of the residence. The driver fled the scene. Officers checked the area butcould not locate the driver. The family that lives in the residence was notinjured. A second party was later able to identify the driver. Thisinvestigation is continuing.

At11:27 p.m., officers responded to the intersection of Foothill and Mountainafter receiving reports of a collision in the area. Residents in the areacalled to report multiple subjects running from the vehicle. Officers arrivedand detained three subjects and managed to detain another after a foot pursuitthrough a nearby park. The driver and other suspects that ran were arrested.


At7:56 a.m., a resident in the 1200 block of Encino walked outside her home anddiscovered someone had entered her unlocked vehicle sometime during the nightand took her purse, which was left in the vehicle. This investigation iscontinuing.

At8:30 a.m., a male subject called police to report a battery incident. He toldofficers he was walking to work in the 1800 block of South Myrtle when avehicle stopped next to him and four male subjects exited. They immediatelybegan battering him, then fled the area. They made no attempt to take any ofhis property. It is unknown why they battered him. This investigation iscontinuing.

At10:51 a.m., a caller reported two motorists collided into one another at theintersection of Shamrock and Los Angeles. Officers arrived and found no one wasinjured. The driver who caused the collision was issued a citation.


At6:09 a.m., officers responded to a medical assist in the 900 block of SouthFifth. During the investigation, officers determined it was an accidentaloverdose. Paramedics responded and provided medical aid. The subject wastransported to a local hospital for treatment.

At11:14 p.m., officers responded to the 210 Freeway off-ramp at Huntington afterreceiving a call reporting a vehicle exiting that lost control and rolled overmultiple times. Officers responded and found the driver had sustained onlyminor injuries. California Highway Patrol was notified and continued theinvestigation.


At8:14 p.m., a resident in the 100 block of North Shamrock called police toreport a suspect had just tried to break into his truck. The resident cameoutside and saw the subject going through his toolbox, which is in the bed ofhis truck. The resident surprised the subject, who immediately ran to a waitingvehicle and fled the area. A license plate was obtained. As officers respondedto the call, they located the suspect vehicle in the 200 block of East Lime anda traffic stop was conducted. Both occupants had outstanding warrants for theirarrest. A witness positively identified the suspects and the suspect vehicle. Asearch incident to arrest revealed a firearm, burglary tools, and stolenproperty. The suspects were arrested and taken into custody.


At11:20 p.m., a domestic violence incident was reported at a hotel in the 900block of West Huntington. Officers arrived and located the female victim in thelobby and realized the male suspect was with her. The suspect tried to walkaway against officer’s instructions. Officers were able to detain him and aninvestigation was conducted. The female victim said the male was her boyfriend,and he had pushed her into a table. She hit her nose and it was bleeding. Themale subject was arrested and taken into custody.


At3:06 p.m., officers were dispatched to the 400 block of South Myrtle regardinga subject causing a disturbance. Upon arrival they found a subject who has hadmultiple interactions with officers during the past week. The subject wasintoxicated and refused to follow instructions. He was arrested for publicintoxication and delaying officers. He was held for a sobering period.

At7:09 p.m., a resident in the 900 block of South Fifth called police to reportthat someone broke into his room and took a backpack. Officers responded andconducted an investigation. The victim said the backpack had keys to a vehiclehe believes is now stolen. This investigation is continuing.


At1:21 a.m., a security company monitoring a business in the 3000 block of SouthPeck called police to report two subjects inside the location’s fence. Officersarrived and detained both subjects. They were arrested for trespassing.

At3:13 a.m., officers were dispatched to an alarm call at a business in the 900block of West Duarte. Upon arrival, they saw that glass was broken on the frontdoor. This investigation is continuing.

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