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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Monrovia Weekly / Monrovia Crime Blotters: Dec. 31-Jan. 6

Monrovia Crime Blotters: Dec. 31-Jan. 6

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At7:42 a.m., the owner of a business in the 900 block of West Foothill reportedmultiple subjects had just shattered her car window and took her purse. Theyfled the area in a vehicle. Her vehicle was parked in front of the business.Officers searched for the suspects but were unable to locate them. Thisinvestigation is continuing.

At11:24 a.m., an officer was on patrol near the intersection of Ivy and Walnutwhen he saw a motorist had just collided into a light pole, causing damage tothe pole and the vehicle. The driver was transported to a nearby hospital for minorvisible injuries.

At11:42 a.m., a resident in the 100 block of East Greystone reported a malesubject was in her backyard lounging next to her pool without permission. Shedid not know the person. Officers arrived and asked the subject to leave, buthe refused and immediately became agitated. He resisted officers, causing minorinjuries to the officers and himself. Paramedics arrived and transported him toa nearby hospital after he was released on an emergency citation.

At3:45 p.m., a caller reported a male subject in front of a convenience store inthe 400 block of West Foothill causing a disturbance. Officers arrived andfound the subject to have a no-bail warrant. He was arrested for the warrantand taken into custody.

At8:14 p.m., a resident in the 700 block of West Foothill reported yelling andscreaming coming from an apartment. Officers arrived and heard a male andfemale yelling at each other, slamming doors and items being thrown. Theofficers knocked several times, but the behavior continued. Due to the exigentcircumstances, officers kicked in the front door. They saw the female lying ona bed and the male was standing over her. The officers separated them andconducted an investigation. It was determined the male was the aggressor. He wasarrested and taken into custody.


At4:26 a.m., an officer was on patrol in the 1200 block of South Shamrock when hewas flagged down by a security guard. He was informed of a commercial burglarythat occurred at an illegal marijuana grow house. The security guard wasmonitoring the property, when he encountered three male suspects burglarizingthe building. During the encounter, the security guard discharged his firearmat the suspect vehicle, prompting the three male suspects to exit the vehicleand flee the scene. Evidence of the shooting was recovered at the scene. Theinvestigation is continuing.

At7:12 a.m., a resident in the 500 block of East Greystone reported a malesubject in his backyard using the backyard barbeque. The caller advised thatthere was an active restraining order prohibiting this subject from coming nearthe home. Officers arrived and contacted the suspect, which led to his arrestfor violation of the restraining order.


At3:57 a.m., an officer was patrolling the 200 block of West Foothill when heobserved damage to the front window of a business and heard an audible alarm.Further investigation revealed a suspect had tried to pry open a door, whichcaused the adjacent window to shatter. The suspect stole cigarettes and lotterytickets. This investigation is continuing.

At10 a.m., a resident in the 300 block of West Lemon called police to report avehicle burglary. The victim parked her vehicle in the alley behind herresidence overnight. She returned to her vehicle in the morning and found hervehicle had been ransacked. Officers arrived and conducted an investigation. Itwas unknown at the time of the report if any items were taken. Thisinvestigation is continuing.

At10:26 a.m., a theft from a vehicle was reported in the 1800 block of AltaVista. The victim reported that someone entered his vehicle sometime overnightand stole the battery and a small amount of cash from the console. Thisinvestigation is continuing.

At2:30 p.m., a domestic violence incident was reported in the 200 block of SouthCalifornia. The victim reported that her live-in boyfriend had just struck her,causing injuries. Officers arrived and saw the victim had fresh visibleinjuries to her lip and forehead. The boyfriend was detained nearby, and aninvestigation was conducted. The boyfriend was ultimately arrested for domesticviolence and taken into custody.

At10:23 p.m., officers responded to the 400 block of East Duarte regarding waterflowing from a broken fire hydrant. Upon arrival, they discovered a hit and runtraffic collision had occurred. A witness stated that the driver of a vehiclelost control and collided into the fire hydrant and fled the scene. The waterflow flooded into an adjacent commercial building. Officers located a vehiclematching the suspect vehicle description. The driver was identified andarrested for hit and run.


At9:08 a.m., a resident in the 300 block of East Palm called police and said amale subject was inside their house fighting with residents. Officers respondedand detained the subject. The subject had lived at the location previously, butthe residents now have a restraining order against him. When the residents toldthe subject to leave, he threatened to kill them. He then battered threemembers of the family and was peppered sprayed by one of the family members. Hewas arrested and taken into custody. In the jail, he was found to be inpossession of a large quantity of a controlled substance. He was booked fornumerous charges, including burglary, battery, criminal threats, restrainingorder violations, and possession for sales of a controlled substance.

At1:35 p.m., officers were dispatched to the intersection of Mountain and RoyalOaks regarding a single vehicle traffic collision. The vehicle was travelingsouth on Mountain and collided with a streetlight. It was discovered thevehicle was stolen out of Pasadena and the driver was under the influence ofdrugs. He was also in possession of a controlled substance. The suspect wasarrested and taken to a local hospital for treatment of non-life-threateninginjuries.


At4:55 p.m., officers responded to the 300 block of Acorn. A citizen reported adriver stopped his vehicle in the middle of the street and began yelling atkids that were playing in the street. Officers responded to the location andcontacted the driver. An investigation determined he had been driving whileunder the influence of alcohol. He was arrested without incident and held for asobering period.

At10:01 p.m., officers responded to the 500 block of Royal Oaks. A residentreported someone may have shot at his house with a BB gun, causing a small holein the siding of his residence. This investigation is continuing.


At2:12 p.m., a domestic violence incident was reported in the 100 block of WestOlive. A male and female subject were involved in an argument, and the femalethrew a glass cup onto the floor, causing a laceration to the foot of the malesubject. She also scratched the male subject’s arm, causing minor scrapes,which were also bleeding. The subjects have been in a dating relationship forthe past several years. The female was found to be the aggressor and wasarrested for domestic violence.

At4:46 p.m., officers responded to the 1600 block of Huntington regarding aninjury traffic collision. The two vehicles were traveling in the oppositedirection, and the driver travelling west made a turn in front of the drivertraveling east, causing the collision. One of the drivers complained of pain.They were examined by paramedics and released at the scene.

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