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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Arcadia Weekly / Arcadia Crime Blotters: Dec. 13–19

Arcadia Crime Blotters: Dec. 13–19

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At2:12 a.m., an officer responded to 7-Eleven, located at 102 E. HuntingtonDrive, regarding a purse theft report. The victim stated she was pumping gasinto her vehicle when the suspect opened the driver side door and stole herpurse from the front passenger seat. Through the investigative process, thesuspect has been identified as a 39-year-old male from Baldwin Park.

At8:57 a.m., an officer responded to the 900 block of WestDuarte Road regarding a vandalism incident. The victim discovered her HondaCivic had been vandalized sometime during the previous night. The suspect keyedthe rear passenger side door. The incident was not captured on surveillancefootage.


At10:45 p.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 500 block of FairviewAvenue regarding a stolen vehicle report. Sometime between Dec. 12 and 14, thevictim’s 2002 Ford Econoline van was stolen. The handling detective was unableto locate any surveillance footage or suspect information.


At9:14 a.m., an officer responded to the front counter of the Arcadia PoliceDepartment regarding a theft from vehicle incident. Surveillance footagecaptured suspects stealing the victim’s catalytic converter from her 2019 HondaOdyssey on Dec. 5 at approximately 6 p.m. The suspects fled in an older modelwhite Chevrolet Tahoe. The investigation is ongoing.

At10:02 a.m., an officer responded to the 1400 block of San Carlos Road regardingfound mail. An investigation revealed unknown suspects stole mail from aresident in the 1400 block of Oaklawn Road and left numerous pieces in thestreet. The officer was unable to locate any surveillance footage or cameras.

At12:26 p.m., an officer responded to the 100 block of South Second Avenueregarding a theft report. A witness reportedly saw a suspect steal a leafblower from a landscaper’s company truck. The suspect, described as a blackmale seen wearing a hooded sweatshirt, fled to an awaiting white Ford F-150truck.

At2:44 p.m., an officer took a telephonic report of a package theft report. Thevictim discovered her packages went missing from her porch at approximately1:30 p.m. on Dec. 15. The surveillance cameras did not capture the event andthere is no additional suspect information.


At1:50 p.m., an officer took a telephonic report of a grand theft incident thatoccurred at Arcadia Methodist Hospital, located at 300 West Huntington Drive.The reporting party stated a cart of power tools was stolen from the secondfloor sometime between Dec. 11 and 14. The incident was not captured bysurveillance cameras.


At10:12 a.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 100 block of DiamondStreet regarding a vehicle burglary report. Sometime during the previous night,unidentified suspects entered the vehicle by unknown means and fled withcosmetic products and personal paperwork. There are no investigative leads atthis time.

At9:11 p.m., an officer responded to Westfield Santa Anita Mall, located at 400 S.Baldwin Ave., regarding a battery report. An investigation revealed analtercation occurred between two male customers while inside Tokyo JapaneseLifestyle. The suspect ultimately punched the victim in the face. Arcadia Fireresponded and evaluated the victim. The suspect is described as a Hispanicmale, approximately 25 to 30-years-old, and was seen wearing a black sweaterand black shorts.


At12:37 a.m., officers responded to a residence near the intersection of WindsorRoad and Cornell Drive regarding the sound of gunshots. Officers discoveredunknown suspect(s) fired multiple rounds into a residence in the 500 block ofNorth Santa Anita Avenue. A review of the submitted surveillance footagerevealed the suspect(s) were driving in a newer model Mercedes-Benz C-Class,dark blue sedan. The investigation is ongoing.  

At6:35 p.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 500 block of East NormanAvenue regarding a burglary alarm activation. An investigation revealed unknownsuspect(s) smashed a rear window causing the alarm to activate. It appears asthough the suspects fled before entering the home. The officer was unable tolocate any surveillance footage.


At4:51 a.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 1800 block of ElevadoAvenue regarding an attempted burglary report. Surveillance footage revealed awhite male, approximately 5 feet 11 inches tall, with a thin build, and seenwearing a black brimmed baseball hat attempted to enter the victim’s home butfled when he discovered the door was locked. The suspect may be responsible fortwo vehicle burglaries that occurred just a few houses away.

At4:30 p.m., an officer responded to Fox Junk Removal, located at 19 La Porte St.,regarding a grand theft incident. Surveillance footage revealed suspects in ablack SUV with no plates stole the catalytic converter from one of thecompany’s dump trucks. The investigation is pending a review of the surveillancefootage.

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