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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Monrovia Weekly / Monrovia Crime Blotters: Dec. 10–16

Monrovia Crime Blotters: Dec. 10–16

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At10 a.m., a resident in the 200 block of Linwood called police to report someonehad broken into his mailbox during the early morning hours and scattered hismail all over the street. It is unknown if any mail was missing. Investigationcontinuing.

At4:48 p.m., a resident in the 400 block of Monrovista reported she had recentlysigned up for unemployment benefits and was waiting for her EDD card to bedelivered, but it never came. She checked online and discovered a large sum ofmoney had been fraudulently withdrawn without her permission. Investigationcontinuing.


At2:41 a.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop in the 1000 block of South AltaVista, and during his investigation, he discovered the driver had severaloutstanding warrants. The driver was arrested without incident.

At7:42 a.m., a resident in the 1400 block of South Magnolia reported her adultdaughter had just battered her, then drove away from the area. Officerssearched for the suspect but could not locate her. This investigation iscontinuing.

At8:22 a.m., workers at a demolition site in the 1900 block of South Myrtlereported some of their tools had been stolen sometime during the night. Thetools were not left in a secured location. This investigation is continuing.

At10:35 p.m., officers were dispatched to the area of Greystone and Hillcrestregarding a subject loitering in the area. When officers arrived, they locatedthe subject and discovered he had been near his grandparents’ residence inviolation of a current court order. The subject was arrested.


At12:28 a.m., the owner of a business in the 200 block of West Duarte was alertedby his Ring camera that someone was inside his business. The owner was able toprovide information as to the subject’s movements. Officers arrived in the areaand found the subject on Myrtle and Pomona. They detained the subject, and hewas positively identified. The subject was arrested, and the officers locatedthe property that was taken.

At5:47 p.m., the owner of a storage unit located in the 2100 block of SouthMyrtle discovered someone had forced entry into the locked unit and burglarizedit. This investigation is continuing.


At11:04 a.m., a caller reported she was at the corner of Colorado and Alta Vistaand had just been cut with a box cutter by an unknown female subject who fledthe area. The caller could not explain why the suspect cut her. Officerssearched for the alleged suspect but could not locate her. The caller’s injurywas a shallow cut to her abdomen, and she was transported to a nearby hospitalfor medical care. This investigation is continuing.


At1:27 a.m., a resident in the 400 block of East Greystone called to report thatbushes were on fire. Officers responded and found the hedge in front of theresidence was fully engulfed with flames, approximately 20 feet into the air.An officer was able to extinguish the fire with a garden hose. Monrovia Firearrived on scene and completely extinguished the flames and smoldering area.Evidence was recovered at the scene. Investigation continuing.

At1:39 a.m., police dispatch received an alarm activation at a business in the1400 block of South Mountain. The alarm company accessed the buildings videosurveillance and saw a male subject hiding behind cars. Officers arrived onscene and located the subject lying on the ground. He was in possession oftools and a car jack. The subject admitted to coming to the location to steal aBMW rim, but before he could start removing the rim, he was detained by police.He was arrested.

At3:47 a.m., a resident in the 100 block of South Mayflower called to report thatthe contents of a dumpster were on fire. Officers arrived and extinguished thefire. No one was in the area. The neighborhood was canvassed for videosurveillance. Investigation continuing.

At8:46 p.m., a female subject entered a business in the 1500 block of SouthMyrtle to get gasoline. As she was filling up her vehicle, the suspect openedthe front driver’s side door and took her purse containing the keys to hervehicle and fled. The vehicle had to be towed to her residence. Surveillancefootage was available. Investigation continuing.

At10:22 p.m., an employee from a business in the 100 block of South Myrtle calledpolice to report a male subject in his 30s, wearing a white, blue, and blackhoodie, walked inside and stole the tip jar containing cash. The suspect thenfled on foot. Surveillance footage is available, and the investigation iscontinuing.


At5:40 p.m., a pedestrian was crossing California with a shopping cart when shewas struck by a vehicle traveling north on California. The pedestrian wastreated by paramedics at the scene and released.


At7:10 a.m., officers were dispatched to a business in the 1600 block of SouthMyrtle on the report of an armed robbery that just occurred. The victimreported he had been robbed at gunpoint. He was fueling his vehicle at a gasstation when the suspect approached him armed with a smaller, semi-automaticpistol and demanded his money and wallet. The victim complied and the suspectfled through a nearby alley, where he got into a dark colored Honda Civic anddrove away. The investigation is continuing.

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