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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Arcadia Weekly / Arcadia Crime Blotters: Nov. 15–21

Arcadia Crime Blotters: Nov. 15–21

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At11:29 a.m., an officer responded to Extended Stay, located at 401 E. SantaClara St., regarding a grand theft report. Sometime during the previous night,unknown suspect(s) stole the victim’s bicycle trailer and two bicycles thatwere secured to a fence. There is no suspect information at this time.

At1:04 p.m., an officer responded to Arcadia 210Self-Storage, located at 324 N. Second Ave., regarding an altercation between amale and a female. The officer discovered an argument escalated between anex-boyfriend and ex-girlfriend and resulted in the female throwing a bowl ofspaghetti at the victim. The 53-year-old female from Arcadia was arrested forBattery and was transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. A recordscheck revealed she also had an outstanding misdemeanor warrant.


At11:50 a.m., an officer took a telephonic report of a fraud incident thatoccurred in the 200 block of West Magna Vista Avenue. The victim discovered anunknown suspect used her personal information to fraudulently open an accountwith CashCenter. The victim does not know the identity of the person or howthey obtained her information.


At12:43 p.m., an officer responded to No. 1 Auto Service, located at 3 E. DuarteRoad, regarding a stolen vehicle report. An investigation revealed the victimleft his vehicle to be repaired and when he returned, the business was vacant,and his vehicle had been stolen. The investigation is pending a review ofsurveillance footage.

At1:18 p.m., an officer responded to Ralphs, located at 211 E. Foothill Blvd.,regarding a commercial burglary that had just occurred. The store managerwitnessed two suspects steal numerous containers of laundry detergent beforefleeing in a silver BMW SUV. Suspect 1 is described as a 25 to 30-year-oldblack female, approximately 5 feet 4 inches tall, 150 pounds, with a mediumbuild, long curly hair, and was seen wearing a purple and white Nike shirt,jeans, and a mask. Suspect 2 is described as a 25 to 30-year-old black male,same height, weight, and build, and was seen wearing a black t-shirt, black hat,jeans, red tennis shoes, and a mask. The investigation is ongoing.

At1:19 p.m., an officer took a telephonic report of a grand theft incident thatoccurred in the 1700 block of Rodeo Road. The victim believes her house cleanerstole her ring. The investigation is ongoing.


At11:41 a.m., an officer responded to U.S. Bank, located at 1400 S. Baldwin Ave.,regarding a fraud report. The victim had recently opened a bank account. Whenshe didn’t receive her new card in the mail, she checked her account anddiscovered two fraudulent purchases. The loss amounted to $1,003. The victimdoes not know the identity of the suspect(s).

At1:49 p.m., an officer responded to the intersection of Huntington Drive andFirst Avenue regarding a battery report. An investigation revealed the suspect,a bus passenger, punched the bus driver in the face and fled. The 37-year-oldmale from Arcadia was located, arrested, and transported to the Arcadia CityJail for booking. Arcadia Fire responded and treated the victim.


At6:35 a.m., an officer responded to the 2600 block of Greenfield Avenueregarding a stolen vehicle report. The victim stated his Chevrolet pickup truckwas stolen sometime during the previous night. The victim was in possession ofhis keys when the vehicle was stolen. There are no investigative leads as ofthe date of this report.

At10:02 a.m., an officer responded to Hampton Inn, located at 211 E. HuntingtonDrive, regarding a theft from vehicle report. The victim discovered someoneentered her vehicle by unknown means and stole cash, a gym bag, and her AppleAir Pods. There is no suspect information at this time. 


At2:54 p.m., officers responded to a residence in the 400 block of Santa RosaRoad regarding a burglary in progress. The victims heard the sounds of someoneentering their home. They scared the suspects and watched as they fled to anawaiting white Lexus sedan. The suspects are described as black males in their20s, both approximately 5-foot-10 with thin builds. They were wearing hoodedsweatshirts. The incident was not captured on CCTV.

At3:23 p.m., an officer responded to the 1800 block of Stonehouse Road regardinga traffic collision. Upon contacting the driver, the officer detected a strongodor of alcohol. Through a series of tests, the officer determined the27-year-old female from South Pasadena was driving under the influence when shestuck a parked vehicle. Arcadia Paramedics responded and transported thesuspect to Arcadia Methodist Hospital for treatment. After being cleared fromthe hospital, she was transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.


At7:34 a.m., an officer responded to the 2000 block of Holly Avenue regarding atheft from vehicle report. Sometime between 1:15–7:30 a.m. on Nov. 21, unknownsuspect(s) entered the victim’s unlocked trunk and fled with an oscilloscopeand a storage bag. There are no investigative leads as of the date of thisreport.  

At5:25 p.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 200 block of South ThirdAvenue regarding a burglary report. The victim determined someone entered hisopen garage, opened his unlocked vehicle, and stole his wallet and garage dooropener. The victim saw a suspicious dark-colored sedan exiting the parking areaat the time of the crime but is unsure if the vehicle is related to theburglary. There is no additional suspect information at this time.

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