Light Rail But Heavy Traffic in Monrovia Prompts Signal Changes
Recently, Monrovia city staff has been engaged with the cities of Arcadia, Duarte, Pasadena, as well as Los Angeles County Public Works, Metro and Caltrans to study traffic signal improvements at intersections adjacent to the Metro L Line (formerly known as the Gold Line).
Theagencies are working to coordinate improvements in response to the complaintsand concerns that they all have received related to the traffic signals alongthe railroad. In Monrovia, the intersections of Myrtle Avenue and Duarte Road,California Avenue and Duarte Road, and Mountain Avenue and Duarte Road, are setto receive software upgrades in the coming weeks.
Theenhanced software will enable more advanced traffic signal programming toimprove traffic flow and congestion at these three intersections.
Beginningthis week, the four agencies will be testing out the proposed traffic signaltiming at these locations with the goal of having the improvements implementedat all three intersections by the end 2020.
Shouldyou have any questions or concerns, contact Public Works at (626) 932-5575or