Oct. 29
At 5:18 a.m., a battery incident was reported at a gas station in the 1500 block of South Myrtle. A male subject was standing near the air pumps at the station, when two subjects confronted him for an unknown reason. A physical fight ensued, and the subject received minor injuries to his face. Officers arrived, but the suspects had already fled in a vehicle. Paramedics responded and treated the subject at the scene. This investigation is continuing.
At 12:52 p.m., a resident in the 1200 block of Monterey called police to report her mother’s vehicle was stolen earlier in the day from West Covina. Her cell phone was in the vehicle and it was tracking to the area of Monterey and Montana. Officers responded and located the vehicle. The vehicle was then recovered by the registered owner.
Oct. 30
At 7:03 a.m., a resident in the 300 block of North Myrtle called to report her vehicle was stolen from her driveway the night before. Officers arrived and conducted an investigation. The victim does not know who took the vehicle and she accounted for all the keys. The vehicle was entered into the law enforcement stolen vehicle system. This investigation is continuing.
At 8:20 a.m., an employee of a business in the 900 block of West Duarte called to report a break-in. Officers arrived and saw that weather stripping had been pried off the front door and a window had been removed. It appears the suspect stole money and electronics. Surveillance footage is being analyzed and this investigation is continuing.
At 1:01 p.m., a shoplifting incident was reported at a hardware store in the 1600 block of South Mountain. A male suspect entered the store and selected several items. He paid for some of the items at the checkout counter but did not pay for the flooring in the cart. As he passed the manned registers and exited the building, he was stopped, detained, and arrested when officers arrived. He was issued a citation to appear in court on the charges.
At 2:56 p.m., officers responded to a traffic collision at the intersection of Royal Oaks and Mountain. Two vehicles collided in the intersection and one of the vehicles rolled over, but no injuries were reported. The driver that rolled his vehicle was displaying symptoms of being under the influence. Field sobriety tests were performed, and the driver was determined to have been driving under the influence. He was arrested, held for a sobering period, and later released on citation to appear in court on the charges.
Oct. 31
At 9:57 p.m., officers responded to the report of an intoxicated subject causing a disturbance inside a fast-food establishment in the 400 block of West Huntington. The subject was located and detained outside of the business. Employees reported the subject had demanded free food, and then vandalized the interior of the restaurant, causing damage. The subject was arrested.
At 10:05 p.m., officers were dispatched to the report of a female subject that overdosed at a residence in the 700 block of West Lemon. When the officers arrived, the female was not breathing and was experiencing signs of an opiate overdose. Officers administered Narcan and paramedics arrived and took over efforts. The female regained consciousness and was transported to a local hospital for treatment.
Nov. 1
At 2:50 a.m., a resident in the 900 block of Sierra Blanca reported his utility room was just burglarized and the suspect fled the scene. The resident chased after the suspect and confronted him in a neighbor’s yard. The suspect pulled a board from the neighbor’s fence and swung it at the resident, just missing his head. Officers arrived, but the suspect had fled the area. Arcadia Police Department had a similar incident with the same subject earlier that morning. This investigation is continuing.
At 11:26 a.m., a resident in the 1200 block of South Mayflower called police to report a theft. The catalytic converter on her vehicle had been stolen a couple days prior. This investigation is continuing.
At 3:22 p.m., officers responded to the intersection of Mayflower and Huntington regarding an injury traffic collision. A vehicle traveling west on Huntington ran the red light and struck a vehicle traveling north on Mayflower. The vehicle that ran the red light had a single male occupant. When officers approached the vehicle, he refused to come out and held a knife to his neck. Officers tried to talk him into putting the knife down, but he refused and started to cut his own neck with the knife. He was detained by officers, and they were able to remove the knife from his hands. He was then treated by paramedics and transported to a local hospital for further treatment. At the hospital he was placed on a mental evaluation hold.
At 11 p.m., a theft was reported in the 500 block of Sombrero. The victim reported the tailgate from her truck was stolen sometime during the night while it was parked. This investigation is continuing.
Nov. 2
At 1:10 a.m., an officer was on patrol near the intersection of California and Maple when he saw a utility van with a broken taillight. He initiated a traffic stop for the vehicle code violation, and a computer check of the vehicle revealed it had been reported stolen out of Norwalk. The driver admitted to knowing the vehicle was stolen, and she was arrested.
At 6:47 a.m., an employee of a concrete business in the 1800 block of South California reported finding fresh graffiti on the walls and windows of the business. The graffiti occurred sometime over the weekend. Officers responded and conducted an investigation, which is continuing.
At 10:54 a.m., an employee of a business in the 900 block of West Foothill called police to report a male subject ran out of the store with merchandise without paying. The subject drove away in a black Nissan. Officers responded and searched the area for the suspect but did not locate him. This investigation is continuing.
At 12:54 p.m., a customer at a business in the 3300 block of South Peck reported her vehicle stolen. While she was shopping inside the business, someone stole her 1992 Honda Civic. Officers searched the area in an attempt to locate the vehicle but were not successful. The vehicle was entered into the law enforcement stolen vehicle system. This investigation is continuing.
At 6 p.m., a male subject entered a business in the 1800 block of South Myrtle and got into an argument with an employee. The subject had a baseball bat in his possession that he swung at the victim during the argument. The victim was not injured, and the suspect fled the area before officers arrived. This investigation is continuing.
At 8:05 p.m., an officer on patrol near the intersection of Shamrock and Foothill saw a vehicle commit a vehicle code violation and conducted a traffic stop. The driver was found to have a suspended license. Further investigation revealed the passenger of the vehicle was on parole and was in possession of a controlled substance. The passenger was arrested for possession of a controlled substance and the driver was cited for driving with a suspended license.
Nov. 3
At 6:21 a.m., a resident in the 800 block of West Walnut reported her husband had just discovered their attached garage, which was locked, had been burglarized sometime during the night. Several power tools were stolen. Officers responded to collect evidence. This investigation is continuing.
At 7:08 a.m., an employee at a business in the 700 block of West Huntington called police to report a male subject that concealed merchandise in his backpack. Officers arrived just as the suspect walked out of the store without paying for the stolen merchandise. He was detained and, after investigation, he was arrested for shoplifting.
At 2:04 p.m., a mental health worker was attempting to provide assistance to a male subject suffering a mental health emergency in the 600 block of South Shamrock. She reported that he was pulling tree branches, was pacing and yelling at people. She advised she could not control him by herself and requested help. Officers responded, and through de-escalation communication, were able to calm the subject. He began complying with the therapist after officers spoke with him.
At 2:50 p.m., a resident in the 200 block of Monroe called police because a family member had threatened to kill herself and was holding onto a sharp kitchen knife. While officers were responding, she dropped the knife and locked herself in the bathroom, where she had access to pill medications. Officers arrived, and by using calm de-escalation communication, they were able to convince the subject to open the bathroom door. She was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.
At 5:01 p.m., a Foothill Transit bus stopped in the 400 block of West Huntington and called police to report a female subject on their bus causing a disturbance. She was throwing things and yelling at people on the bus. She claimed she had a knife. When officers arrived, the female subject exited the bus when asked, and once she was off the bus, the bus left the area. Further investigation revealed she was not in possession of a knife. She said she was upset because the driver was violating driving laws and it scared her. Officers spoke with the subject for quite a while and were able to de-escalate and calm her to a point where she was allowed on the next bus to continue to her destination.
Nov. 4
At 9:29 a.m., a business in the 200 block of South Madison called police to report a stolen vehicle at their lot. A vehicle they purchased in early October had come back as stolen when they processed it. The vehicle was reported stolen just after they took possession from the tow yard. The registered owner could not be reached. The vehicle was recovered and stored.