Arcadia Crime Blotters: Oct. 25-31
At6:59 p.m., an officer took a fraud report for a victim residing in the 300block of West Orange Grove Avenue. The victim discovered unknown suspectsfraudulently accessed his debit card and withdrew $1,400 between Oct. 24 andOct. 25. The victim does not know the identity of the suspect(s) or how theyaccessed his account.
At7:11 a.m., an officer responded to Arcadia High School, located at 180 CampusDrive, regarding a vandalism report. The reporting party located spray-paintedgraffiti on the west side of the Theater Building.
At9:03 a.m., an officer responded to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, located at468 E. Santa Clara St., regarding a stolen vehicle report. The victim stated heleft his keys under the front seat of his unlocked vehicle. At 7 a.m., awitness saw a female suspect steal the victim’s Chevrolet truck. The victimlocated his vehicle in the 900 block of West Huntington Drive in Monrovia. Theinvestigation is pending a review of the surveillance footage.
At5:01 p.m., an officer responded to Victoria’s Secret, located at 400 S. BaldwinAve., regarding a theft report. A store employee witnessed the lone femalesuspect steal an unknown amount of merchandise. The surveillance footageindicated the suspect is a white or Hispanic female, with blonde hair, andwearing a green shirt and dark colored jeans. The investigation is ongoing.
At4:31 a.m., an officer responded to Savers Thrift Store, located at 16 E. LiveOak Ave., regarding a vandalism report. The officer determined the suspectintentionally broke two front windows for no apparent reason. During the arrestthe suspect, the 62-year-old male from Compton provided a false name. Thebooking process revealed the suspect’s true identity and the he had fouroutstanding warrants.
At7:35 p.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 200 block of ArboladaDrive regarding a mail tampering report. The victim discovered her mailbox hadbeen tampered with and was found empty. There are no investigative leads as ofthe date of this report.
At12:53 a.m., an officer responded to the 1500 block of South Baldwin Avenueregarding a silver sedan that had collided with a pole. The officer located thevehicle and noticed the driver had left the scene but inside the vehicle, therewas an empty beer can. Nearby, the officer located the driver and determined hewas under the influence of an alcoholic beverage. The 29-year-old male fromArcadia had a blood alcohol content of .18%. He was arrested and transported tothe Arcadia City Jail for booking. His vehicle was stored.
At1:13 p.m., an officer responded to the 800 block of West Huntington Driveregarding a stolen vehicle report. Sometime between Oct. 8 and Oct. 22, thevictim’s Lexus sedan was stolen. Later the same day, the vehicle was recoveredby California Highway Patrol. The investigation is ongoing.
At4:35 a.m., officers responded to the 400 block of California Street regarding abattery report. An investigation revealed the victim was battered by thesuspect during a domestic dispute. The investigation is ongoing.
At6:55 p.m., an officer responded to Rod’s Grill, located at 41 W. HuntingtonDrive, regarding a vandalism report. A witness saw the suspect use a newspaperrack to smash the front window of the restaurant. The suspect is described as awhite male in his mid-30s, with shoulder length hair, and a disheveledappearance. The investigation is pending results of DNA testing and a review ofthe surveillance footage.
At6:41 a.m., an officer responded to Denny’s, located at 7 E. Huntington Drive,regarding a vandalism report. Restaurant employees witnessed the suspectshatter a front window by throwing a rock at it and then walk eastbound onHuntington Drive. The witnesses were unable to provide a description other thana male suspect.
At1:48 p.m., an officer responded to Macy’s, located at 400 S. Baldwin Ave.,regarding a theft report. The investigation revealed a known shoplifter stolemore than $500 worth of jewelry and perfume, but the theft was not discovereduntil after the suspect left the business. The 36-year-old female from Pasadenais outstanding as of the time of this report.
At1:16 p.m., an officer responded to the Santa Anita Racetrack, located at 285 W.Huntington Drive, regarding a vehicle burglary report. The victim discoveredher locked vehicle had been broken into, the vehicle had been ransacked, andthe suspect left the victim’s wallet on the roof of the vehicle. Whileinvestigation this incident, the racetrack security learned of a second vehicleburglary and discovered the suspect had fallen asleep in the victim’s car. The26-year-old female from Inglewood was arrested for both burglaries and wastransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
At10:18 p.m., officers responded to Rusnak, located at 55 W. Huntington Drive,regarding a commercial burglary in progress. Surveillance footage revealed thesuspect ransacked the interior of the business. Upon their arrival, the suspectfled and was able to evade arrest. He is described as a white male,approximately 5-foot-11, and 190 pounds. The investigation is ongoing.