CEO, Healthcare, LexisNexis Risk Solutions . Responsibility for Healthcare Busniess Unit: Payer, Provider, Pharmacy and Life Sciences. getty Growing up, I remember frequenting Blockbuster Video, eyeing the giant wall of new releases and thinking, We can borrow any of these movies for just a few dollars! The company seemed invincible — until Netflix arrived. Out-strategized, Blockbuster declared bankruptcy in 2010. By failing to lead with an innovative approach in the era of digital distribution of video entertainment, it crumbled. There’s nothing worse in business than complacency.
Throughout my career, I’ve placed a premium on avoiding complacency and prioritizing innovation. This is a mindset that should start at the top and cascade down throughout the organization. In a thriving business, leaders always think about what comes next and how to get there first. You don’t have to be a Silicon Valley startup to be innovative. At my company, we’re motivated by how our solutions can help our customers improve decision-making and, as a result, improve patient outcomes. We continually push ourselves to take our traditional analytics delivery model and shift it to make it easier for our customers to apply our insights to their business. For us, innovation is about […]