Monrovia Crime Blotters: Oct. 15-21
At1:44 p.m., a motorist reported she was traveling along the 900 block of SouthMyrtle when a female subject threw a piece of wood at her car. The motoristcalled the police. Officers responded and found the female subject near wherethe crime occurred. The vehicle had minor scratches to the paint. Thisinvestigation is continuing.
At5:42 p.m., a caller reported he was just pepper sprayed by a male subject atthe train station in the 1600 block of South Primrose. The caller was accusedof stealing a wallet, which he denied. Monrovia police and paramedics responded.The wallet was not located, and the caller was transported to a nearby hospitalfor treatment. While speaking with officers, the subject who had his walletstolen discovered that someone had stolen his bicycle, as well, from the trainplatform. This investigation is continuing.
At6:26 p.m., a resident in the 900 block of South Magnolia called police toreport the catalytic converter was stolen off his vehicle sometime during thenight. At the time of the crime, his vehicle was parked in the street in frontof his residence. This investigation is continuing.
At10:33 p.m., an employee from a business in the 900 block of East Huntingtoncalled to report a customer had vandalized a plastic sign after an argumentover an incorrect food order. The customer used a baseball bat to break a“Do not enter” sign and then left the area in a vehicle. Thisinvestigation is continuing.
At4:57 a.m., an officer was patrolling the area of Melrose and Foothill when hesaw a vehicle commit a traffic violation. The officer conducted a traffic stopand spoke with the driver regarding the reason for the stop. The driverconsented to a search. Drugs and drug paraphernalia were located. The driverwas arrested.
At5:39 p.m., a caller reported that a vehicle in the 200 block of Poinsettiarolled backwards over a male subject and the male subject was unresponsive.Officers arrived and contacted the subject, who was now breathing andresponding to their questions. He eventually got up and was standing on hisown. He told the officers he was working on his vehicle and it rolled back overhim. He was transported to a local hospital for treatment.
At12:44 a.m., a resident in the 1400 block of South Magnolia called to reporthearing a female screaming in the area. Officers arrived and located adistraught couple. After further investigation, it was determined the male halfwas the aggressor and he physically assaulted his wife. He was arrested andtaken into custody.
At3:40 a.m., a resident in the 700 block of Crescent called to report a malesubject was checking vehicle door handles and was currently inside hisneighbor’s vehicle. Officers arrived and saw the suspect inside the vehicle.The suspect was detained and questioned. It was discovered that he went intoseveral unlocked vehicles in the area and took items. Several items wererecovered and returned to their owners. The suspect was arrested and taken intocustody.
At5:02 p.m., a resident in the 700 block of Oakdale reported her neighbor wasoutside his home spraying water on her car with a hose. She walked outside toconfront him, and saw he had a black firearm and was waving it in the air. Shequickly went back into her home and called the police. Officers responded andcontacted the subject. They removed the gun from him and determined he washeavily intoxicated. He was arrested and taken into custody.
At11:39 p.m., a resident in the 200 block of West Cypress called to reportseveral people in the street, screaming and yelling. Officers arrived andcontacted a group of people. It was learned that a domestic violence incidentoccurred at a neighboring house. During an argument, the boyfriend punched hisgirlfriend in the face and left the location. The girlfriend sustainedinjuries, but she refused medical treatment. This investigation is continuing.
At12:11 p.m., a resident in the 600 block of East Olive walked outside his homeand discovered someone had taken his work truck sometime during the night.Officers searched for the vehicle but were unable to locate it. The vehicle wasentered into the Law Enforcement Stolen Vehicle System. This investigation iscontinuing.
At3:16 p.m., a resident in the 200 block of East Evergreen reported she and herhusband had been arguing at home all day. When she said she was going to callthe police, he threatened to shoot officers if they came to his house. He thengrabbed a handgun he owns and left the house. This investigation is continuing.
At2:17 a.m., a witness observed a black, compact car traveling north on Ivy atColorado. The witness said that a passenger in the vehicle was possiblychecking door handles of parked vehicles as they passed. Officers arrived andlocated the vehicle in question, which turned out to be stolen out of Alhambra.The driver had exited the stolen vehicle and was in the process of ransacking aparked vehicle when he was detained. Both the driver and the passenger werearrested.
At9:08 a.m., a victim reported that someone entered his parked vehicle in the 500block of King sometime during the night. The suspect took two GoPros from thecenter console. The victim was not sure if he locked his vehicle or not.Nothing was heard during the night. This investigation is continuing.
At1:18 p.m., two subjects tried to enter a business in the 600 block of WestHuntington without a facemask. They were stopped by a store employee and thesubjects became angry. One of the subjects made a comment indicating he wasgoing to return with a gun. An employee called the police. As soon as officersarrived, both subjects began running away. One of subjects was detained. Thisinvestigation is continuing.
At1:18 p.m., a victim in the 300 block of West Maple called to report that twoparked vehicles had their catalytic converters stolen sometime during thenight. Officers responded and conducted an investigation. This investigation iscontinuing.
At4:44 p.m., a subject entered a business in the 400 block of South Myrtle andattempted to take a skateboard that was on display. An employee pulled it awayfrom the subject, but the subject displayed a knife and threatened theemployee. Officers arrived and detained the subject, who was found to be underthe influence of alcohol. The subject was arrested and taken into custody.
At10:27 p.m., an officer was patrolling a parking lot in the 700 block of WestHuntington and a computer check revealed one of the parked vehicles was stolenout of Covina. The vehicle was unoccupied. The registered owner was notifiedand responded to the scene to retrieve the vehicle.
At8:46 a.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from a business in the 900 block of WestDuarte Road. An officer arrived and checked video surveillance of the location.The suspect is seen entering the store and taking the victims keys from acounter where she had set them down. He then leaves the store and the area.Later, the suspect returns with another subject. While a delivery is beingmade, the suspect walks to the victim’s vehicle
andthe other subject stands in front of the store. The victim’s vehicle is seenbeing driven away, and the second subject is seen running from the area. Thevictim later received a phone notification that her ATM card was being used ata Target store in Pasadena. She walked outside and discovered her vehicle wasmissing and called the police. The investigation is continuing.
At11:57 a.m., a female subject entered a service station in the 700 block of EastHuntington and attempted to retrieve alcohol from a refrigerated glass display,but the doors were locked. The subject became upset and began throwing itemsfrom a display onto the ground. The store employee tried to stop the subject bygrabbing her from behind, but the subject turned around and punched theemployee on the side of the head. Officers arrived, detained the subject andconducted an investigation. The subject was transported to a hospital for amedical issue.
At10:56 p.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle without a licenseplate at Duarte and Alamitas. He contacted the driver and discovered he hadmultiple warrants for his arrest, including a no-bail probation violation. Thesubject was arrested, and his vehicle was inventoried. A usable amount ofnarcotics was located where the subject had been sitting. The subject was takeninto custody.