Your browser does not support the audio tag. Opinion: Potomac Watch A ‘Peaceful’ Transition / New FBI Documents A ‘peaceful’ transition/new FBI documents 00:00 / 27:16 Subscribe Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify iHeartRadio TuneIn Stitcher Amazon Alexa RSS Almost six decades after President Kennedy withdrew, midmission, from a promise to provide air cover to an anti-Castro operation at the Bay of Pigs, Democrats are still out of touch with this powerful political cohort. Hispanics are not a race—nor an ethnicity. The term refers to people whose mother tongue is Spanish or whose roots trace to a Spanish-speaking population. Hispanics come in all races and from many ethnicities. While Spain colonized much of the Western Hemisphere, cultural differences among countries can be significant. Chileans and Dominicans, for example, share a common language, but their customs differ in many ways. Polls have Mr. Biden and President Trump in a dead heat in Florida. That’s not unexpected. Mr. Trump won Florida in 2016 by only a little more than one percentage point. What’s new, according to an NBC News/Marist poll earlier this month, is Mr. Trump’s lead—50% to 46%—over Mr. Biden among Hispanics in the state. The Trump campaign is reportedly making […]