GSV Ventures managing partner Deborah Quazzo joins Common and Khan Academy founder Sal Kahn for a … [+] Education is in the spotlight like never before, as K-12 schools and colleges grapple with the complexity of engaging students amidst remote learning—and millions of newly displaced workers face the challenges of developing new skills to thrive in a forever-changed, post-COVID-19 economy. In the wake of a once unimaginable health crisis, and a long overdue reckoning on race and social justice, I’m convinced that innovations in education can lead us to a more inclusive future. Now is both a critical time for innovation—and a moment to rethink the paradigm of education that has left so many of our students at risk of historic learning loss this year. Described by the New York Times as the “ must attend ” event for a growing, global community of educators and entrepreneurs, philanthropists and investors, the annual ASU+GSV Summit has evolved into a global forum for a diverse community of thinkers and doers working to transform the education ecosystem. The event is the brainchild of my friends Michael Moe (whose 1996 paper, Dawn of the Age of Knowledge , forecasted many of the trends […]