Dr. Barbara Ferrer L.A. County UPDATE, THURSDAY: The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health today confirmed 38 new deaths and 1,636 new cases of confirmed COVID-19. The number of new cases reported today include a backlog of 280 test results received from the State. To date, Public Health identified 236,986 positive cases of COVID-19 across all areas of L.A. County, and a total of 5,701 deaths. Nearly 65% of all cases reported by Public Health have occurred among people 49 years old and younger. Public Health also offered guidance to anyone planning a protest or public observance in the days ahead. “Public Health acknowledges the observance of the 50th Anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium, recognized as a national day of resistance against racism, sexism, imperialism, and fascism, with a focus this year on environmental and racial injustices. “There are many ways to observe the 50th Anniversary while avoiding gatherings and adhering to Public Health guidelines. However, for residents that plan on attending peaceful protests, please be aware of the elevated risks that come when people of different households gather during this pandemic, even when they are outdoors. “Protests can inadvertently result in transmission of COVID-19, including from people […]