WomenShelter of Long Beach is one of only 21 organizations in the country to receive a grant from Major League Baseball (MLB) and the MLB Players Association. The money, $50,000, will be used for general operating expenses. It comes from the MLB Healthy Relationships Community Fund. The MLB and Players Association have committed $1 million to the program to support survivors of domestic violence, mental health resiliency, and developing positive relationship skills in youth. Since the pandemic and stay at home orders, WomenShelter has developed an online program to help youngsters recognize the red flags of violent behavior and offer guidance for creating and nurturing healthy and respectful relationships. In-person counseling, emergency shelter and other services continue as well. For more information, go to www.womenshelterlb.org .
Home Neighborhood Long Beach Long Beach’s WomenShelter Catches Grant From Major League Baseball
Long Beach’s WomenShelter Catches Grant From Major League Baseball
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