As part of its construction of the Crenshaw/LAX Line, LA Metro tests at train at the Westchester/Veterans Station in January 2020. (Photo courtesy of LA Metro) The Metro Board of Directors on Thursday unanimously awarded a $48.3-million environmental studies and advanced conceptual engineering contract to move forward on the Sepulveda Transit Corridor Project, a public transit line between the San Fernando Valley, West Los Angeles and, ultimately, Los Angeles International Airport. The 50-month contract was awarded to HNTB Corp., Terry A. Hayes Associates Inc. and AECOM Technical Services for contractor services during the state and federal environmental review and project design. The group will process and analyze environmental studies and impact reports on current Metro concepts and recently submitted proposed, private-industry concepts. None of the seven board directors who favored the award commented on their vote. Metro’s designs for the Sepulveda Transit Corridor Project include an underground subway or a partially above-ground aerial train primarily along Sepulveda Boulevard starting in Van Nuys and along Interstate 405. The agency could possibly pick one or two of the private-industry concepts, thereby creating a public-private partnership that offers innovative choices for the corridor project as early as next year. It could take […]