A caravan of cars turned out to support teachers’ demand that they be allowed to choose where they teach from for virtual classes. Photo by Crystal Niebla.
After several weeks of often heated deliberation, the Long Beach Unified School District and the Teachers Association of Long Beach reached a tentative agreement for the 2020-21 school year late Monday evening. After a long fight over where teachers will be working, the district will allow teachers to teach from home while students are learning virtually , which will be the case from the start of school on Sept. 1 until at least Oct. 5. “The vast majority of our members will be granted flexibility on where they are eligible to teach,” according to a bargaining update from TALB president Christine Kelly. Whether teachers would be allowed to work from home had become a particular point of contention as the union and school district tried to agree on a plan for the school year upended by COVID-19 . The educators called it a safety issue and TALB even threatened a strike . The district, meanwhile, insisted that work location was not a topic covered in the union’s collective bargaining agreement. It also […]