Monrovia Crime Blotters: Aug. 27 – Sept. 2
At7:58 a.m., a motorist reported seeing fresh gang related graffiti on a wall atthe intersection of Chestnut and Alta Vista. After an officer documented thevandalism, graffiti removal was notified. Investigation continuing.
At8:44 a.m., a resident in the 600 block of Monterey reported her vehicle wasransacked and personal items had been stolen the day before. She said she hadleft her vehicle unlocked. This investigation is continuing.
At3:24 p.m., a resident in the 100 block of North Magnolia reported someone hadshattered the window on his vehicle sometime during the night. The suspect didnot gain entry into the vehicle and nothing was taken. This investigation iscontinuing.
At8:27 a.m., a theft was reported in the 900 block of West Duarte Road. Thevictim parked his vehicle outside a business and went inside. He left hiswindows slightly open. Two subjects were seen by the vehicle. It is believedthat one of them reached in and opened the door. The victim’s tools weremissing from the vehicle when he returned. The suspects left the area in awhite vehicle. Investigation continuing.
At9:48 a.m., the victim is staying at a hotel in the 900 block of West Huntingtonand left a fanny pack inside her vehicle. She believes the vehicle was locked.When she returned, the vehicle was unlocked and the fanny pack was missing.Inside the fanny pack was cash and her credit cards. One of the credit cardshad already been used at a Target. Investigation continuing.
At11:53 a.m., a blue and white Huffy beach cruiser was taken from a residence inthe 1800 block of Estrella. When the victim went out to his garage, he foundthe bicycle was missing. An officer responded and checked the area for evidenceand witnesses but did not locate anything. The investigation is continuing.
At2:57 p.m., a fraud incident was reported at a business in the 100 block of WestPomona. A check was written from the company and mailed. Someone interceptedthe check, altered the payee line and cashed it. Investigation continuing.
At5:03 p.m., a possible drunk driver was reported in the area of Linwood andViolet. A resident called police to report a male driver that slowed down tospeak to her and a neighbor. The driver’s speech was slurred and he appeared tobe intoxicated. He said he was going to 7-11. Officers went to the 7-11 andwitnessed the subject driving. He was stopped for committing a trafficviolation. The officers could see and smell signs of the subject beingintoxicated. After a DUI investigation, he was arrested and held for a soberingperiod.
At6:59 p.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 400 block of West DuarteRoad. The vehicle is a gray Nissan Altima and was stolen sometime during the pastseveral days. The owner had not seen or driven the car during that time. Theinvestigation is continuing.
At8:06 p.m., an officer was on patrol near Myrtle and Evergreen when he observeda female subject defacing a traffic sign with a permanent marker. He detainedher for the vandalism and found she was also in possession of a methamphetaminepipe. The suspect was arrested for the charges.
At9:50 a.m., a motorist reported that a large group of bicyclists were riding downhillin the 1100 block of East Lemon in the opposite direction of traffic when oneof them struck her side mirror, causing him to fall off his bike. Officers andparamedics responded and provided first aid to the injured bicyclist. He wastransported to a nearby hospital for non-life-threatening injuries.
At7:13 p.m., an officer stopped a vehicle in the 1300 block of South Mayflowerfor vehicle code violations and determined the driver was intoxicated. Herpassenger was her husband, who suffers from Alzheimer’s, for whom she is thesole caretaker. Police were not able to find any arrangements to care for thehusband. An officer cared for the husband at the station while the driver wasbeing processed and held for sobering. Due
tothe husband’s age and condition, an elder abuse charge was added to thesuspect’s charges.
At10:13 p.m., a traffic collision involving a motorcyclist was reported at Myrtleand Pomona. When officers arrived, they found the motorcycle, but no rider.Investigation determined the motorcyclist was involved in a solo trafficcollision and the rider fled towards the train station with associates. Themotorcycle is registered out of Palmdale. Los Angeles Sheriff’s Deputies wentto the address to ask if the motorcycle was an unreported stolen, but no onewas home. The motorcycle was stored and surveillance camera footage recovered.Investigation continuing.
At12:48 a.m., police received a call reporting a vehicle stopped near Huntingtonand the 210 Freeway with the driver slumped over the wheel and the passengerdoor wide open. While officers were responding, the vehicle was driven away.The reporting party followed the vehicle to Mayflower and Huntington andupdated dispatch until officers could arrive. Officers conducted a traffic stopand determined the driver was under the influence of a controlled substance.The driver was arrested for DUI and held for a sobering period.
At1:34 a.m., police received several calls reporting vehicles driving recklesslyin circles in the intersection of Alta Vista and Central. Officers responded tothe area and located one of the vehicles driving away northbound. Theyconducted a traffic stop and determined the driver also had warrants for othertraffic offenses. The driver was arrested for reckless driving and thewarrants.
At6:43 p.m., an employee from a business in the 500 block of West Huntingtoncalled police to report a theft that had just occurred. A male and femalesuspect entered the store and selected approximately 10 pairs of Levi jeans.The two suspects left the location through an emergency exit with themerchandise they did not pay for and fled. The investigation is continuing.
At9:16 p.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 200 block of West Huntington.The victim parked his vehicle at the location and met a friend nearby fordinner. When he returned to his vehicle, he discovered it had been stolen. Thevehicle taken is a 1999 Honda Civic. The investigation is continuing.