By Brenda J. Trainor
MADIA Tech Launch, a local nonprofit educational organization, regularly hosts meetups where self-professed techno-entrepreneurial thinkers get together and share ideas (and libations) about their innovations and how to bring them to reality or sometimes failure. Like so many organizations in the COVID era, MADIA has converted their “eat and drink with geeks” strategy to a virtual platform, but it is the how-tos of innovative ideas that always take center stage.
If you have an idea for a product that you want to sell, you’ll want to hear from Eric Rose of Pinnacle Product Innovation, Inc. who will be the speaker at the next virtual meeting of MADIA on Tuesday, Sept. 9 at 6:30 p.m. Rose will explain why a mis-match between the product and the market can lead to the failure of more than 40% of all startups.
Taking an idea to marketplace reality is a big accomplishment. The year of 2020 has forced many companies to retool, pivot, and develop strategies for recovery from this virus-induced shutdown, while many individuals are just thinking about developing new ideas while they sit at home in their pajamas being safer-at-home with no social life.
For the MADIA event, Rose will explain the keys to avoid your startup becoming part of that 40% failure rate and will discuss how to discover who the customer is for your product and what their needs might be. He will discuss why it is important to fine-tune or re-tune your product or service in response to informed and practical business and technical trade-offs.
Rose has more than 35 years of experience in product development and commercialization with experience in consumer and industrial products and technical services. His varied client base and experience is far-ranging and includes medical device manufacturers, dog behaviorists, children’s toys, electronics, and furniture.
Rose, president of Pinnacle Product Innovation and Management Consulting, holds over 65 patents worldwide for product innovations, and works with Fortune 500 corporate executives as well as small startups and with students as a university lecturer teaching courses on innovation, marketing, and entrepreneurship.
MADIA Tech Launch virtual events are free, but do require advance registration through Eventbrite: bit.ly/MADIA9Sep2020. The lobby will open at 6:30 p.m. for networking, Rose’s presentation will start at 7 p.m., and attendees will have the opportunity for questions and answers thereafter. Attendees are invited to stay and virtually enjoy the MADIA tradition of a post-presentation beverage and chat, albeit BYOB.
MADIA Tech Launch is a nonprofit educational organization that was created to ensure that the region’s technical, scientific, and industrial workforce is connected and has the tools necessary for success. MADIA provides educational programs in entrepreneurship, business finance and operations, technology development and commercialization in settings which encourage networking and collaboration among members. To fulfill this mission, it partners with area cities in the region: Monrovia, Arcadia, Duarte, Irwindale, and Azusa (which give the organization its name), and the City of Glendora, the newest partner in this region that is rapidly becoming known as the innovative technology center at the heart of the San Gabriel Valley.