City of Pasadena Calls for ‘Responsible Recreation’ Over Labor Day Weekend
Headinginto Labor Day weekend, the Pasadena Public Health Department urges thepublic to celebrate responsibly to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Afterrecent holidays, including Memorial Day, Father’s Day, and the Fourth of July,Pasadena experienced significant increases in local laboratory confirmed casesof COVID-19. Contact tracers were ableto attribute the majority of new cases to parties, get-togethers, andgatherings. The most impactful change the community can make to slow the spreadof COVID-19 during the upcoming holiday weekend is to not gather with peoplewho do not live in your household.
Pasadenaresidents are still subject to statewide and local stay-at-home orders. Publichealth officials are reminding everyone about the importance of staying closeto home and continuing with physical distancing, use of face coverings, handwashing, and disinfecting measures.
“Wecontinue to see the consequences of parties and social gatherings during ourcase interviews. The best way to honor the spirit of workers on Labor Day,especially essential workers, is to stay home and only gather with people inyour own household,” says Dr. Matthew Feaster, epidemiologist.
“Nowthat the county and state are seeing a reduction in new cases, our concern ispeople may interpret these reductions as a sign that the virus is gone,” saidDr. Ying-Ying Goh, health officer and director of the Pasadena Public HealthDepartment. “It’s never been more important that we continue to take publichealth actions like physical distancing and covering your face to stop thespread of COVID-19.”
The publicis urged to modify traditional Labor Day outdoor, stay close to home and avoidelarge gatherings with friends and family.