Pasadena Playhouse Goes Red to Support Live Event Industry
As many as 1,500 buildings across North Americanwill be lit in red to raise public awareness about the severe economic crisisfacing the entire live events industry, which has been closed since March withno idea when events will start happening again. The PasadenaPlayhouse will illuminate itscourtyard and tower red Tuesday night at 9 p.m. as part of #WeMakeEvents#RedAlertRESTART day of action.
Approximately 12 million people havebeen impacted by the shutdown of live events, a $1 trillion industry.
The goal is also to urge the Senate to vote forthe RESTART Act and to support an extension of the Pandemic Unemployment Assistanceand the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation, which provided anadditional $600 weekly unemployment benefit, as part of a full comprehensivepandemic relief package.
The RESTART Act would extend the PaycheckProtection Program, create a loan program to provide funding to jump-start thehardest-hit businesses for the remainder of 2020 and provide loan forgivenessas a backstop against ongoing economic challenges.