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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Monrovia Weekly / Monrovia Police and FBI Arrest Russian National in Connection with Computer Malware Plot

Monrovia Police and FBI Arrest Russian National in Connection with Computer Malware Plot

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OnSaturday, Aug. 22, FBI agents andMonrovia police located a Russian national wanted in connection to a malicioussoftware plot to extract data and extort ransom money. The suspect’s vehiclewas detected at a residence in the city of Monrovia last Saturday morning.While the circumstances and connection to the Monrovia address are unknown atthis time, he was taken into custody by federal agents with the assistance ofofficers from the Monrovia Police Department. 

EgorIgorevich Kriuchkov, 27, a citizen of Russia, was charged ina complaint with one count of conspiracy to intentionally causedamage to a protected computer.  

Kriuchkov madean initial appearance in federal court on Monday and was remanded to federalcustody pending trial forhis role in a conspiracy to recruit an employee of a company to introducemalicious software into the company’s computer network, extract data from thenetwork, and extort ransom money from the company.

Accordingto the complaint and statements made in court, from about July 15, 2020 toabout Aug. 22, 2020, Kriuchkov conspired with associates to recruit an employeeof a company to introduce malware — i.e., malicious software programs designedto damage or do other unwanted actions on a computer system — into thecompany’s computer network. The malware would supposedly provide Kriuchkovand his co-conspirators with access to the company’s system. After the malwarewas introduced, Kriuchkov and his co-conspirators would extract data from thenetwork and then threaten to make the information public, unless the companypaid their ransom demand.

Kriuchkoventered the United States using his Russian passport and a tourist visa. Hecontacted and met with the employee numerous times to discuss theconspiracy. Kriuchkov promised to pay the employee $1 million after themalware was introduced. In furtherance of the conspiracy, Kriuchkov providedthe employee with a burner phone, and instructed him to leave the burner phonein airplane mode until after the money was transferred.

Afterbeing contacted by the FBI, Kriuchkov drove overnight from Reno, Nevada, to LosAngeles. Kriuchkov asked an acquaintance to purchase an airline ticket for himin an attempt to fly out of the country.

Thecharges and allegations contained in a complaint are merelyaccusations. The defendant is presumed innocent unless and until provenguilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

Theinvestigation was led by the FBI’s Las Vegas Field Office with assistance fromthe FBI’s Los Angeles Field Office; the FBI’s Sacramento Field Office; theWashoe County Sheriff’s Office; and the Criminal Division’s Computer Crime andIntellectual Property Section (CCIPS). Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Casperand C.S. Heath, Senior Counsel of CCIPS, are prosecuting the case.

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