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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Pasadena Independent / Union Station’s Lorena Ruiz Helps House Homeless in the San Gabriel Valley

Union Station’s Lorena Ruiz Helps House Homeless in the San Gabriel Valley

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Lorena Ruiz, interim project coordinator for Project RoomKey. – Photo by Alex Cordero / Beacon Media News

Union Station’s Lorena Ruiz, interim project coordinator for ProjectRoomKey (PRK) at several locations across the San Gabriel Valley, and heron-going efforts to safeguard the most vulnerable during the pandemic haveearned her the title of “hero” in her field.

Ruiz has worked forUnion Station for the past four years but has advocated for those in need ofsafe housing for 10 years, working with LGTBQ communities in the early stagesof her career in different places like New York City, San Diego, Los Angeles andcurrently in the San Gabriel Valley.

During the pandemic she identified an opportunity to do more in theearly stages of Project RoomKey — a program in which the state of Californiacollaborates with local governments to turn motels and hotels into interimhousing for people who are at a high-risk of contracting COVID-19 to helpprevent the spread of the virus.

As soon as she learned about Project RoomKey, Ruiz was onboard. “Iknew I wanted to be part of it and help in some way, shape or form, and now I’minvested,” she said as we sat across from each other, 6 feet apart and wearingour masks.

Ruiz has already helped four residents transition to safe housing inMonrovia this year while managing the fast-paced environment her role requiresto serve hundreds of clients with high-level needs during these chaotic times.

Her main focus is on finding pathways to permanent housing forresidents because it prevents local neighbors from returning to homelessness.One of the challenges is finding affordable housing for residents in LosAngeles County but that does not seem to discourage Ruiz.

“There are so many staff members who are invested in Project RoomKey’ssuccess and more specifically in getting people permanently housed. Oneresident at one of the PRK sites I oversee, was recently permanently housed. Hehad a team of dedicated professionals working with him every step of the way.From helping him fill out his voucher application, to showing him potentialunits, to going over the terms of the lease with him on lease signing day. Itwas a happy day for everyone involved. And for me, I was glad to have played asmall part in his journey to permanent housing by ensuring that he had a placeto stay where he would be safe from COVID-19.”

I asked Ruiz if she has any personal heroes of her own and, althoughshe said she admired different people for different reasons, she decided toshare the names of her current heroes.

“Right now, I’m looking up to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She is aconsistent advocate for the working class and those historicallydisenfranchised. I want to always remember to be an advocate for those in themargins. In the field of homelessness and social work, my current supervisor atUSHS, Sarah Tower, is someone I look up to. She is someone who leads byexample. Her values and advocacy come across in her work.”

After her long days, Ruiz goes home to a routine of disinfectingeverything she might have touched while out, showers and relaxes, believe it ornot.

Ruiz does what she does because she wants to create a better futurefor our local communities.

“Homelessness is a symptom of larger structural issues like racism,poverty, lack of adequate healthcare, ageism, xenophobia, transphobia, etc.that are at the root of our society. When we examine what is at the root of theproblem, we can begin working toward a better tomorrow. My work and the work ofmany of my colleagues in this field is not only to make a difference inpeople’s lives; we are working toward a better society in which homelessness nolonger exists. Everyone, including community members, can take part in buildinga better tomorrow for generations to come.”

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