Monrovia’s Bella Sera Trattoria Recognized for Continued Support of Boys & Girls Clubs of West SGV & Eastside
Throughoutthis unprecedented health crisis, the Boys & Girls Clubs of West SanGabriel Valley & Eastside has been providing well over 5,000 meals everyweek to families across the San Gabriel Valley and the eastside of Los Angeles.Bella Sera Trattoria was introduced to the Club by Board of Directors memberJulie Dell’Aquila Hernandez, who brought it to the attention of the Bella Serateam who immediately jumped into action by donating over 1,100 meals to Boysand Girls Club families throughout the San Gabriel Valley communities and the eastside.
Senator SusanRubio and her office recognized their contributions by saying the following: “BellaSera Trattoria is the perfect example of a community partner coming together ina time of great need. They have provided thousands of meals to local families.Their continued efforts at helping others is truly inspiring.”
Owned andoperated by Joe and Dana Borelli, the Bella Sera team has been committed to excellentservice and providing a family experience through its core mission and passionsince 2014.
“We are justfortunate to be in the situation we are in and able to provide these meals. Weknow how tough it is for everyone at this moment, especially these familiesthat depend on these meals for their children. The community has always been sosupportive of us that it is only right to pay it forward as much as possible,”says Mike Wissman, general manager.
“Thank you somuch to everyone who has done so much for my family during this scary time.These meals are providing so much more than food for my kids, it shows theycare and the quality of food is the best,” shared Carmen Campos, whose threechildren attend the Estrada Courts Boys & Girls Club.
“I love theBella Sera boxes and the food is so good! I look forward to my box from theClub members who deliver it,” said 12-year-old Christelle, member of MontereyPark Boys & Girls Club.
The team atBella Sera has also teamed up with the Boys & Girls Clubs of West SanGabriel Valley and Eastside in their Meals to Heal Campaign which providesdaily meals to hospital staff, doctors, nurses, and emergency response teams atmany hospitals throughout the San Gabriel Valley. On May 18, Bella Sera teamedup with the club to provide hot meals for the staff at Methodist Hospital ofSouthern California in Arcadia.