Local Company Offers COVID-19 Safety Kits for Construction, Essential Businesses
With theoverwhelming coronavirus dominating our lives these days, it was only a matterof time before someone came up with a clever idea to help keep local businessesand employees safe in the work environment.
The CV-19Kit Company, while not a legal nor medical firm, is an innovative company that providessupport for businesses and helps organize a COVID-19 “safe and healthy” planfor that particular establishment.
TracyMarsala, owner and founder of a 30-year labor compliance company rooted in the cityof Los Angeles, founded the CV-19 Kit Company at the end of March 2020. AsMayor Eric Garcetti ordered businesses to shut down, they “jumped on the need”and quickly started developing the COVID-19 kit plan.
Marsala isin construction of affordable housing and wanted to do her part to develop aplan to not only keep our construction sites from being shut down, but to “helpthe lives of families and people in need during this horrible pandemic. Webelieve in the slogan ‘Shutting down is not an option.’”
The kitincludes COVID-19 signage for the workplace or project site, a well-written safety plan,tools and inspection reports to monitor daily symptoms, safety walkthroughs, etc.
There is atraining inspector log so businesses can assign one or two people as COVID-19 inspectors.When an inspector comes in, the company may then havethe “CV-19 Inspector” relay full information and have pre-filled indocuments presented to the city/county inspector. This will help companies keeporganized and feel safer with compliance needs.
For more information: salesteam@covid19kit.us | www.covid19kit.us.