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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Monrovia Weekly / Monrovia Crime Blotters: July 30–Aug. 5

Monrovia Crime Blotters: July 30–Aug. 5

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At7:44 a.m., an officer was patrolling the 800 block of Alta when he saw a malesubject sleeping in his vehicle with a can of beer on the center console. Whenthe subject was contacted, he was found to be in possession of a pipe that hadbeen used to smoke methamphetamine. The beer can was empty. The subject wasarrested for possession of drug paraphernalia.

At10:55 a.m., an officer was patrolling the 100 block of East Maple when he sawfresh graffiti spray painted on a wall. Graffiti removal was notified.

At4:14 p.m., a caller reported a male subject sitting in his parked vehicle in abusiness parking lot in the 100 block of West Huntington, and she said heappeared to be intoxicated. Officers arrived and located the subject. He washeavily intoxicated, and officers determined he was unable to care for his ownsafety. He was arrested and held for a sobering period.

At6:36 p.m., officers responded to a business in the 1600 block of South Mountainregarding a shoplifting incident that just occurred. A male subject entered thebusiness, concealed merchandise, and then exited the store without making anyattempt to pay for the items. The suspect was detained, and furtherinvestigation revealed he was also in possession of a controlled substance. Thesuspect was arrested.


At1:42 a.m., an officer observed a vehicle traveling at a very low rate of speed,impeding traffic near the intersection of California and Huntington. A trafficstop was conducted. The investigation revealed the female driver was inpossession of a controlled substance and the male passenger was in possessionof drug paraphernalia. Both suspects were arrested.

At3:05 a.m., officers responded to the 400 block of Genoa regarding a report of asuspicious subject checking door handles to various vehicles in the area. Afemale subject matching the description given was found and positivelyidentified by witnesses. She was arrested for vehicle tampering.

At4:10 a.m., an officer observed a vehicle traveling near Mayflower andHuntington without its headlights on during hours of darkness. A traffic stopwas conducted, and the driver was found to have several outstanding warrantsfor his arrest. The driver was arrested for the warrants.

At9:31 a.m., an employee of a business in the 700 block of East Huntingtonreported that four days earlier a male subject had stolen a large dollar amountworth of merchandise. They did not call the police immediately to apprehend thesuspect while he was committing the crime because they needed to obtainpermission from their corporate headquarters to call the police. Theinvestigation is continuing.

At10:31 a.m., the driver of a public bus that was traveling along Huntington atMyrtle called police to report a fight. One of the passengers hit anotherpassenger during an argument over not wearing a mask. The suspect then exitedthe bus and fled the area. Officers searched for the suspect but were unable tolocate him. This investigation is continuing.

At6:30 p.m., officers responded to a park in the 700 block of East Lemonregarding an assault. The victim reported that the father of her children hither. She had a large bruise on her cheek. The male suspect was arrested fordomestic violence.

At6:57 p.m., officers responded to the intersection of Eighth and Duarteregarding a suspicious vehicle parked along a red curb line. Officers madecontact with the single occupant of the vehicle, who said he had been parkedthere for three hours waiting for his daughter. Further investigation revealedthe occupant was in possession of a pipe used to smoke methamphetamine. Thesuspect was arrested.


At12:24 a.m., officers responded to a business in the 200 block of WestHuntington regarding two suspects in the drive-thru, attempting to pay with acounterfeit $100 bill. The clerk kept the bill and called police. The suspectsleft prior to officers arriving. This investigation is continuing.


At4:08 a.m., officers responded to a school in the 900 block of East Lemonregarding a burglary alarm activation. While checking the classrooms, theyfound the door

toa classroom ajar and a subject inside. The subject said he was looking forwater and a place to relax. The school’s principal responded and confirmed thatnothing was missing, and no damage had been done. Further investigationrevealed the subject was in possession of drug paraphernalia. He was arrested.

At11:23 a.m., officers responded to the 400 block of West Foothill regarding asubject urinating in public. Officers located the subject, who was extremelyintoxicated and unable to care for himself. While attempting to take thesuspect into custody for public intoxication, he spit in the face of one of theofficers. He was arrested and held for a sobering period.

At12:18 p.m., officers responded to the intersection of Myrtle and Palm regardinga male suspect in an older blue/gray BMW exposing himself to female subjects inthe area. Officers located the suspect and he was positively identified by thevictims. The suspect was arrested and taken into custody.

At7:16 p.m., numerous calls were received by police dispatch reporting a heavilyintoxicated man walking in the 200 block of West Foothill. Officers located thesubject and determined he was too intoxicated to care for himself. He wasarrested and held for a sobering period.


At6:53 a.m., an officer saw a vehicle commit several traffic violations near theintersection of Monterey and Huntington. The officer initiated a traffic stop.As the officer approached the driver, the vehicle fled the area. Officerssearched the area and located the vehicle, unoccupied, near Myrtle and Pomona.The driver had fled the scene and was not located. An investigation revealedstolen property inside of the vehicle. This investigation is continuing.

At1:18 p.m., officers responded to a business in the 1600 block of South Magnoliaregarding a commercial burglary. The property manager realized someone hadbroken into the location sometime during the night and removed numerous keyfobs to company vehicles. This investigation is continuing.

At7:56 p.m., a caller reported a female subject vandalizing numerous vehicles andwindows in the 700 block of West Huntington. Officers checked the area andlocated the suspect. She was arrested and taken into custody.


At2:47 p.m., a bicyclist was traveling north on Primrose and entered theintersection of Primrose and Olive. A white sedan traveling west on Olive drovethrough the stop sign and collided into the bicyclist. The bicyclist was thrownto the ground by the impact. The driver pulled up next to the bicyclist on theground and yelled that he was sorry but did not stop and fled the area headingwest. The bicyclist sustained minor injuries. The investigation is continuing.

At7:28 p.m., an officer saw a vehicle commit a vehicle code violation in the 700block of West Huntington. He initiated a traffic stop and saw there were threeoccupants in the vehicle. An investigation revealed all three were on parolefor burglary and robbery. One of the subjects was wanted for a grand theft autoin Monrovia. She was arrested.

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