Monrovia City Council Approves Rate Increases for Solid Waste Services
OnAug. 4, the Monrovia City Council reviewed and considered a proposedrate adjustment from Athens Services to all solid waste accounts across thecity. The approved rate adjustment includes consideration for impacts relatedto AB 1594, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and wage considerations. As outlinedbelow, the adjustment of 5.66% includes:
AB 1594 Impacts | 3.64% |
Annual CPI Adjustment | 1.70% |
Annual Minimum Wage Adjustment | 0.32% |
Total Requested Adjustment | 5.66% |
When applying the adjusted rates, thetypical customers will see monthly increases of:
Residential (three 90-gallon carts) | $1.88 per month |
Multi-family (one 3-yard bin, once per week) | $10.72 per month |
Commercial (one 3-yard bin, once per week) | $10.91 per month |
The updated rates will be reflected onthe next billing cycle and will include retroactive billing to the periodbeginning July 1. If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact AthensCustomer Service at (888) 336-6100 or the Public Works Department at (626)932-5575.