Old Pasadena Launches Campaign to Highlight Business Resiliency
TheOld Pasadena Management District (OPMD) has launched the commUNITYcampaign, featuring an upbeat, radiant sun to “symbolize that even in the faceof unbelievable hurdles, the Old Pasadena business district continues to shine.”A campaign of posters, window clings, and sidewalk decals greets visitors asthey arrive in the district and outlines safe and healthy practices.
EricTjahyadi, co-owner/operator of Bone Kettle, sums up the district’s fortitude sowell: “Our neighborhood of business operators supports one another andcontinues to show so much heart, courage, and passion even in the darkesthours; we love that we can lean on each other as a community to be oneanother’s resources and show support. There is a tremendous level ofcamaraderie that I have not seen in other communities.”
Tohighlight this solidarity and resilience, dozens of Old Pasadena businessesdisplay the commUNITY sun graphic in their windows, while key intersectionsthroughout the neighborhood showcase the artwork on sidewalk decals.Additionally, the campaign features safety signage in city parking garages toremind guests to be safe and maintain adequate distancing while visiting thearea.
Beginningin May, OPMD created several initiatives to reward this ongoing patronage,including the #OnlyinOldPas gift card giveaways on Instagram and the purchaseof 40 meals each week from district restaurants to help the Pasadena SeniorCenter feed vulnerable seniors. “We felt strongly that we as anorganization needed to boost promotional support to our businesses whilesimultaneously encouraging city residents to continue to visit our district,”says Janet Swartz, OPMD’s director of marketing and events. “In turn, theseinitiatives had the wonderful impact of strengthening the solidarity we feelhere and further cultivated this sense of unity and togetherness – we knew thatwas an important aspect to spotlight with our new campaign.”
Tosupport Old Pasadena restaurants’ efforts toward outdoor dining, the campaigncomes to life in a very tangible way with the installation of commUNITYDining in three locations along Big Bang Theory Way. This communal diningspace is for anyone looking for a socially distanced area to enjoy a take-outmeal or coffee from any of the neighborhood’s nearly 200 restaurants. Thiseffort serves as an additional support to the many restaurants that couldn’ttake advantage of street dining due to their location and logistics. Theseating areas are maintained from 11:30 a.m. – 8 p.m. each day with continuoussanitizing. Visit in the evenings for an especially scenic experience under thecafé lighting spanning the length of the historic alleyway.