Monrovia Chamber of Commerce Assists Members During Pandemic
The MonroviaChamber of Commerce, as with so many businesses, has very limited hours duringthe pandemic. Beacon Media sat down (albeit via Zoom) with Monrovia chamber executivesTuesday to better understand problems and learn to navigate the businessdifficulties owners face with the pandemic.
VictorHyunh, vice president, is doing outreach to many members and getting feedbackon how they can help.
“They’vebeen fantastic thus far in providing help/information to members across the city.I think it’s a matter of ‘business needs far outweigh’ the support either the chamberor city can provide,” City Manager Dylan Feik told Monrovia Weekly.
Leading offthe meeting was Sari Canales — who pointed out that of the 424 members MonroviaChamber supports, the issues facing each business varies considerably.
With limitedresources and peoplepower, the chamber is also facing difficulties. But,focusing on shopping local is critical for all of us, the chamber points out.
The chamberhas been promoting takeout and “lunch mob” events to assist local restaurantsfor some time, but the lunch mob program has dwindled due to coronavirusconcerns, Canales said.
The successof the expanded outdoor dining with the city’s help has boosted foot trafficespecially in Old Town, the chamber said. That, in addition to there-introduction of the street fair on Friday, hopefully will attract more thanjust restaurant patrons.
Canales saidthe chamber is hoping to plan an October Wine Walk in Old Town which wouldgenerate more foot traffic to all retail businesses. Working closely with MonroviaOld Town Advisory Board, the chamber hopes to finalize details soon.
Thedevastating effects and concerns regarding the coronavirus are exponential andtrickle down to just about every business in the United States as well asglobally. It is for this reason so many businesses are either operating onlimited hours or simply waiting out the pandemic storm with an eye to 2021.
Locally,Comic Cellar, a local record shop, Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, Party City, MyrtleTree Café and the Monrovian Restaurant have either closed or are remodeling,pending pandemic progression.
Other businesseshave complained to the city that signage issues have also been too restrictiveand hope the city will give retail more leeway to inform residents that theyare now open.
The chamberconceded that the number one complaint they hear is high rent. Regrettably,there is nothing any chamber of commerce can do about this aspect. The evictionmoratorium in L.A. County is valid through September, with a possible extensionin the works. However, this does not necessarily mean businesses are out of thewoods, just merely buying time.
In the coming months, Beacon Media plans to focus on small business in conjunction with the Monrovia Chamber of Commerce. We welcome community input and hope to start more of a dialogue of local business success as well as struggles so many are facing. We welcome your comments and suggestions on how we can help each other within our own communities. Drop us a line at