Firefighters Quell 7-Acre Fire North of Arcadia on Monday
Chantry Flatclosed until July 27
Onefirefighter was injured by a falling rock when a small brush fire in theAngeles National Forest was first reported just after 1 p.m. on Monday, July20, according to the U.S. Forest Service based in Arcadia.
By 1:30 p.m.,the fire was reported at 5 acres in size but grew to 7 within half an hour. Theinvestigation into the cause remains ongoing.
Swift workby firefighters along with air support, which included fixed wing aircraft andnumerous helicopters, made very quick advances and stopped the fire fromspreading.
Firefightersremained on scene to put out hot spots late in the afternoon. Assisting withthe fire were Pasadena, Sierra Madre and Arcadia fire departments along withcrews from Angeles National Forest.
For publicsafety, Chantry Flat will remain closed until Monday, July 27. Firefightingtrucks and heavy equipment will be operating on the narrow canyon road. Forsafety, clean-up and recovery, no access is allowed by vehicle, bike or foottraffic.
Fire dangerremains very high during the month of July according to Angeles NationalForest.