The City of Arcadia has issued a proclamation, effective immediately, to allow expanded outdoor seating for businesses during the COVID-19 local emergency. Businesses may obtain a no-fee permit to expand customer seating onto public sidewalks, private parking lots and walkways, and other areas adjacent to their place of business. Assistant City Manager/Development Services Director Jason Kruckeberg explains that “This program will create a streamlined process to allow outdoor seating and/or staging areas, with the goal of helping businesses increase their occupancies while still meeting required social distancing requirements as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
“This process does not just apply to restaurants,” he stated, “It is also applicable to other businesses that might have occupancy issues, or may not be able to serve their entire customer base.”
Restaurants and other businesses in need of additional customer seating or staging areas are encouraged to contact the City of Arcadia Planning Division to obtain an application and further guidance at (626) 574-5423, or by email at Planning@ArcadiaCA.gov. Plans for seating will be reviewed to ensure the safety of customers and that required social distancing protocols can be met. The city will re-examine the need for this program on an on-going basis.
For additional business assistance efforts and resources, please visit the Arcadia Works! program, at ArcadiaCA.gov/LocalBusiness.