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Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Pasadena Independent Pasadena Transit & Dial-A-Ride Announce Service and Fare Changes

Pasadena Transit & Dial-A-Ride Announce Service and Fare Changes

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Pasadena Transit
A Pasadena Transit bus. – Courtesy photo / Facebook, @cityofpasadena

When the Safer at Home order was issued in mid-March, PasadenaTransit and Dial-A-Ride instituted a number of protocols, including suspendingfare collection. Pasadena Transit and Pasadena Dial-A-Ride will resume farecollection on Wednesday, July 1.

Fare collection was temporarily suspended in mid-March in animmediate effort to address the close proximity between customers and busoperators that would typically occur at the front of buses where fares arepaid. Where feasible, customer boarding was moved to the rear doors of buses.Per the recent installation of a protective barrier fleet-wide separating theoperator from the passenger boarding area, boarding can occur again at thefront of the bus.

As fare collection resumes on July 1, Pasadena Transit patrons whohad 30-day passes that were interrupted by the Safer at Home order will have anew pass automatically loaded to their TAP card within 60 days of July 1. Fareswill remain at $0.75 as the base fare, $0.50 for youth, and $0.35 forindividuals who are at least 60 years old or who are disabled.

On Aug. 9, Pasadena Transit will implement another service changeto facilitate social distancing on buses. These service changes includeincreased service on the highest demand lines, Routes 20 and 31/32; reducedfrequency on Routes 40 and 51/52; and the temporary suspension of Route 60.Frequencies after Aug. 9 will be:

  • Route 20 weekdays: 12-15 minute service mostof the day.
  • Route 31/32 weekdays: 18-25 minute servicemost of the day.
  • Route 40 weekdays: 30 minute service all day.
  • Route 51/52 weekdays: 60 minute service allday.
  • Route 60: Temporarily discontinued.
  • Current Saturday and Sunday schedules willremain.

When Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) returns in the fall,service adjustments will be made to help meet demand as needed.

In response to COVID-19, Pasadena Transit and Pasadena Dial-A-Ridehave implemented a number of other operational procedures and policies in orderto provide the safest environment possible for customers and bus operators, including:

  • Disinfecting high touch surfaces on busesfrequently throughout the day.
  • Enhanced nightly disinfecting of every bussurface from floor to ceiling.
  • Blocked off select seating on buses to encouragesocial distancing.
  • Allowing only rear door boarding while faresare suspended.
  • Requiring facial coverings.
  • Limiting the number of passengers per bus.

Pasadena Transit operates six local bus routes within the City of Pasadena, as well as portions of the unincorporated community of Altadena, serving nearly 400 bus stops and six Metro L Line (Gold) stations. Route, fare, and schedule information is available at pasadenatransit.net or by calling (626) 744-7311.

Pasadena Dial-A-Ride is still running regular hours seven days aweek. Special scheduling accommodations are still available to help customersvisit grocery stores during the early “senior hours.” In addition,Dial-A-Ride is working with the Foothill Unity Food Bank to deliver food fromthe food bank to members’ homes.

Dial-A-Ride is available for individuals who are at least 60 yearsold and those under 60 with disabilities who are residents of Pasadena,Altadena, San Marino or the unincorporated Los Angeles County area in SanGabriel. Anyone interested in using Dial-A-Ride may call and leave a message at(626) 744-4094 to become a member. Calls will be returned Monday throughThursday between 10:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.

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