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Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Pasadena Independent Pasadena Small Business Relief Fund Online Application Portal Opens Friday

Pasadena Small Business Relief Fund Online Application Portal Opens Friday

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Pasadena City Hall. – Courtesy photo by Fred Kearney on Unsplash

Relief Fund will provide $10,000 grants to local storefront small businesses in Pasadena

PasadenaCommunity Foundation (PCF) will launch the online application portal forPasadena COVID-19 Disaster Relief Small Business Relief Fund grants on Friday, June26, 2020 at 5 p.m. The fund is a collaboration between the Pasadena Chamber ofCommerce, Pasadena Community Foundation, and the City of Pasadena to assistsmall businesses in recovering from the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisisand resulting business closures, and will provide grants of $10,000 tostorefront retail businesses.

Visit pasadenacf.org to review the grant guidelines and access the application. The grant application will be available starting at 5 p.m. on June 26, 2020. Applications will be accepted through July 10, 2020 at 5 p.m.

The PasadenaCOVID-19 Disaster Small Business Relief Fund is intended to augment federal,state, and local aid in supporting Pasadena businesses and sustaining the localeconomy. The City of Pasadena has seeded the fund with an initial gift of$500,000, with the goal of assisting 50 or more small businesses. The city willmatch all private philanthropic gifts to the fund up to $250,000, creating thepotential for $1 million in assistance. The fund will accept donations fromindividuals, businesses, and foundations.

Localstorefront retail and restaurant businesses are strongly encouraged to apply.The fund will prioritize business owners who have not received financialassistance from federal and state-level COVID-19 relief programs, including thePaycheck Protection Program. Businesses receiving grants must be located withinthe physical boundaries of Pasadena. The selection process will also considerlocal ownership and whether businesses employ Pasadena residents. Once awarded,grant funds may be used for business-related operational costs, includingCOVID-19-related expenses and re-opening compliance costs.

“ThePasadena COVID-19 Disaster Small Business Relief Fund is intended to helppreserve those Pasadena storefront businesses that are vital to the personalityof our city’s neighborhoods and contribute to our local economy,” said PasadenaChamber of Commerce CEO Paul Little. “We want to be sure the stores and cafésthat contribute to the character of Pasadena have a chance to survive theCOVID-19 pandemic.”

“Successfulsmall businesses and a healthy economy are critical to a thriving city, whichis what PCF is always working towards,” said Jennifer DeVoll, PasadenaCommunity Foundation president and chief executive officer. “The Small BusinessRelief Fund will play an important role in reviving existing small businessesand laying the groundwork for our city’s long-term economic and social recoveryfrom the COVID-19 crisis.”

The City ofPasadena, Chamber of Commerce, and PCF have assembled a selection committee toreview all applications and make recommendations for funding. PCF willadminister the fund, accept gifts, and provide acknowledgement letters for taxpurposes. All gifts to the Pasadena COVID-19 Disaster Small Business ReliefFund are tax deductible.

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