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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Monrovia Weekly / Monrovia Crime Blotters: June 4-10

Monrovia Crime Blotters: June 4-10

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June 4

At 10:56 a.m., a resident of an apartment complex in the 700 blockof West Foothill reported a suspicious vehicle parked on the property that shebelieved might be stolen. Officers arrived and ran a computer check of thelicense plate which revealed the vehicle had been reported stolen. The ownerwas notified and he recovered his vehicle. This investigation is continuing.

At 7:28 p.m., a vehicle was traveling in the 200 block of NorthCanyon when the driver made an unsafe turning movement and collided into aparked vehicle. Officers arrived and the investigation revealed the subject hadbeen driving under the influence of alcohol. He was arrested for DUI and heldfor a sobering period.

At 9:34 p.m., a vandalism incident was reported at a car wash inthe 400 block of West Duarte. The victim saw an unknown subject throw an objectat his vehicle. The object left a large dent in his vehicle. The suspect waslater identified during an unrelated theft investigation at a gas station. Thisinvestigation is continuing.

June 5

At 4:10 a.m., officers responded to the 1500 block of South Myrtleto the report of a theft that just occurred at a gas station. The subjectentered the store and stole merchandise. When officers arrived and attempted todetain him, he fled on foot and hid in a nearby business. He was located and awitness positively identified him as the suspect. He was arrested and takeninto custody.

At 7:31 a.m., a resident in the 100 block of Fowler walked outsideher home to go to work and discovered someone had stolen her vehicle with herpurse and personal items inside. Officers searched the area for the stolenvehicle, but could not locate it. The vehicle was entered into the StolenVehicle System. This investigation is continuing.

At 12:53 p.m., a resident in the 200 block of South Sunsetreported someone had rummaged through his unlocked vehicle sometime during thenight and took personal items from the vehicle. This investigation iscontinuing.

At 2:38 p.m., an officer was on patrol near the parking lot of a businessin the 1600 block of South Mountain when a customer flagged him down andreported his vehicle had been stolen while he was inside the store. Officerssearched for the vehicle, but were unable to locate it. The vehicle was enteredinto the Stolen Vehicle System. This investigation is continuing.

At 8:06 p.m., a vehicle was stopped at the red light at Myrtle andHuntington, facing south, when a second vehicle rear-ended his vehicle. Thefirst vehicle stopped on Huntington so they could exchange information, butsecond vehicle fled the scene. Officers arrived and checked the area, but didnot find the second vehicle. This investigation is continuing.

At 9:18 p.m., a male subject came to the police station to reporta battery incident that occurred on June 1. He said he was struck by anothermale subject in the 900 block of East Lemon. The two subjects were involved ina verbal argument and the other subject then punched him. This investigation iscontinuing.

June 6

At 12:10 a.m., a theft from a vehicle was reported in the 400block of East Maple. The parked vehicle was ransacked sometime overnight. Itemsfor the vehicle, miscellaneous mail and credit cards were stolen. There were nosigns of forced entry. This investigation is continuing.

At 4:39 p.m., a small, white, hatchback vehicle drove through a fencerail in the 1600 block of South Myrtle, breaking it off halfway. The vehiclethen fled west on Duarte Road. Officers arrived and checked the area, but wereunable to locate the vehicle. This investigation is continuing.

At 7:22 p.m., a resident in the 2000 block of South Peck calledpolice to report that someone broke into his mailbox. Officers arrived andconcluded that various mail had been stolen. This investigation is continuing.

June 8

At 4:10 a.m., a resident in the 500 block of Valmont called policeto report a suspect inside her vehicle, which was parked in her driveway.Officers responded to the area and located a male subject lying in the backseat of the vehicle to avoid being seen. Officers detained the suspect andfound him to be in possession of a center console, which did not belong to thatvehicle. Officers searched the street and discovered the center console wastaken from another vehicle on the same block. Officers found a third victim onthe block where change was taken from a vehicle. The suspect was arrested andtaken into custody.

At 4:38 a.m., a resident in the 200 block of Montana called policeto report two suspects burglarizing his vehicle. Both suspects fled south onPrimrose prior to police arrival and were not located. This investigation iscontinuing.

At 8:20 a.m., a resident called to report his flatbed truck hadbeen taken from the 800 block of South Primrose. Officers arrived and learnedit had been taken sometime over the weekend. This investigation is continuing.

At 10:09 a.m., a theft from a vehicle was reported in the 500block of Norumbega. The victim reported that someone went into the vehicleduring the night and stole money. The money was in two plastic cylinders. Asuspect had been taken into custody for a similar theft during the night andwas still in custody. The suspect’s property was examined and the victim’sstolen property was found among it. The suspect in custody was charged with theadditional offense and the property was returned to the victim.

At 6:48 p.m., a burglary was reported at a cell phone store in the600 block of West Huntington. Three male suspects were inside the store andthey were tearing the cell phone security cables from the wall which activatedthe store alarm system. The suspects fled in a dark blue Nissan Altima with nolicense plates. Officers did a search for the vehicle, but they did not locateit. This investigation is continuing.

At 11:48 p.m., a female resident in the 300 block of South Canyoncalled to report she was battered by her boyfriend, who had left the residence.The boyfriend punched and kicked her during an argument. Paramedics respondedand treated the victim. Officers did an area search for the suspect, but he wasnot located. The victim refused prosecution and an emergency protective order.Approximately thirty minutes after officers cleared the scene, the victimcalled back and said the boyfriend returned to the residence. Officersresponded back to the residence and arrested the suspect for domestic violence.

June 9

At 8:44 a.m., a caller reported that someone broke into severalcompany vehicles in the 1600 block of South Myrtle. Officers arrived and foundthat various tools had been stolen. The video surveillance showed a subjectchecking the vehicles at 2:55 a.m. that day. A subject matching thatdescription was later seen at the Station Square Park. Officers attempted tocontact the subject, but he ran from the area. All of the stolen tools werefound at Station Square Park and were returned to the business. Thisinvestigation is continuing.

At 3:58 p.m., officers responded to the intersection of Myrtle andPomona regarding an injury vehicle collision. One of the vehicles was a LosAngeles County Sheriff’s patrol car. The deputy was treated for minor injuries.

At 4:59 p.m., officers responded to the 500 block of Norumbegaregarding a vehicle that had collided into another vehicle and a residence.Investigation revealed the driver was driving under the influence of alcohol.She was arrested for DUI and transported to a local hospital for treatment ofher injuries.

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