City, Convention & Visitors Bureau Launch ‘Shop Pasadena’
TheCity of Pasadena and the Pasadena Convention & Visitors Bureau havelaunched “Shop Pasadena,” an online webpage featuring Pasadena’s small andindependent retailers now open for in-store customers and curbside pickup.
The “Shop Pasadena” webpage features a variety of shopping categories from apparel and entertainment to home and outdoor recreation. Retailers have opted in to be listed, and businesses who meet the minimum criteria are encouraged to submit their businesses for inclusion at Content must meet certain criteria.
“Shop Pasadena” is one of three resource directories that the City and Convention & Visitors Bureau established to support the ongoing operations and reopening of its business community. The other two resources include “Dine Pasadena,” a directory of Pasadena restaurants open for takeout and curbside service as well as “Connect Pasadena,” a directory of curated educational and engaging content from Pasadena businesses and cultural institutions.
All three resources – Shop Pasadena, Dine Pasadena, and Connect Pasadena – can be found online at
To beadded to the directories, businesses must meet certain criteria.
- Pasadena’s small and independent retailers that are open for business, online shopping or curbside pickup are encouraged to submit their business for inclusion at
- Pasadena restaurants open for business, offering curbside or takeout, are encouraged to submit their business for inclusion at
- Pasadena businesses with free educational or engaging content are encouraged to submit their virtual content for inclusion at
Sincethe launch of the Shop Pasadena, Dine Pasadena and Connect Pasadena directoriesin March, these directories have garnered over 25,000 website views.