Pasadena Parking Restrictions Back in Force
At the PasadenaCity Council meeting Monday, the city authorized the resumption of the followingenforcement activities:
- Meterpayments and enforcement resumed June 9. Warnings to be issued for oneweek, with citations to resume June 16.
- Enforcementof time limits in residential neighborhoods resumed June 9. Warningsto be issued for one week, with citations to resume June 16.
- Vehiclebooting and impounds for non-critical purposes to resume Aug. 1.
Council deferredaction on the following items, meaning suspension of enforcement will continueuntil council determines they should resume:
- Overnightparking enforcement.
- Enforcementof daytime street sweeping restrictions.
There willcontinue to be designate 20-minute zones to facilitate curb-side pick-up.Customers should be mindful of those zones as they will be enforced accordingly