L.A. County Reviews New State Guidelines to Possibly Move Into Stage 3
Los Angeles County is reviewing new guidelines from the State of California that could move L.A. County into Stage 3 of the Roadmap to Recovery and permit the reopening of key sectors including schools, day camps, museums, entertainment industry production, camping and spectator-free sporting events — as early as June 12.
The Department of Public Health is reviewing the newly issued state guidance, evaluating the County’s COVID-19 metrics and data and consulting with the Board of Supervisors to determine how sectors can re-open with safeguards and directives in place to ensure essential physical distancing and infection control.
At this time, Los Angeles County is still under a Safer At Work and In The Community Order. Public and private gatherings of people outside of a single household unit are not permitted except for public protests and faith-based services with limited numbers of participants.
At this time, the following businesses remain closed:
- Nail salons.
- Tattoo shops.
- Gyms and fitness centers.
- Campgrounds.
- Entertainment venues including arcades, bowling alleys, movie theaters, live performance theaters, concert halls, stadiums, arenas, theme parks, gaming facilities and festivals.
- Brewpubs, breweries, bars, pubs, craft distilleries, and wineries that do not offer sit-down, dine-in meals.
- Indoor museums, galleries and zoos.
Click here for a detailed list of what’s open and closed in L.A. County