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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Monrovia Weekly / Monrovia Crime Blotters: May 21–27

Monrovia Crime Blotters: May 21–27

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May 21

At 7:08 a.m., a resident in the 300 block of East Walnut called toreport his 2007 Chevrolet work truck was parked on the street and had beenstolen sometime overnight. The vehicle was entered into Stolen Vehicle System.Investigation is continuing.

May 22

At 9:04 a.m., a Monrovia resident called police to report anincident of indecent exposure. She was on a walk in the 400 block of WestDuarte, near Magnolia, when a male subject yelled to get her attention and thenexposed himself. The woman ran home and called the police. Officers searchedthe area for the suspect, but were unable to locate him. The suspect is describedas a male Hispanic in his 30s, 5-foot-5, thin build, with a shaved head andlarge tattoo on his arm. This investigation is continuing.

At 9:11 a.m., an officer was patrolling the 800 block of SouthCalifornia when he saw a subject he recognized. The subject was consensuallycontacted and found to be in possession of a pipe that had been used forsmoking methamphetamine. The subject was arrested for possession of drugparaphernalia.

At 9:51 a.m., the owner of a residence in the 200 block of SouthPrimrose arrived home and discovered his residence had been burglarized whilehe was gone. He then called police. Officers arrived and located the point ofentry into the home. It is unknown if anything was taken. This investigation iscontinuing.

At 10:09 a.m., an officer was patrolling the 400 block of WestDuarte when he saw several subjects in the city owned wash underneath the MetroRail Bridge. All of the subjects had previously been warned and arrested fortrespassing. The officer contacted the six subjects and all were arrested fortrespassing.

May 23

At 3:56 p.m., a resident in the 600 block of West Olive calledpolice to report a tire on his vehicle had just been slashed by a male Asiansuspect, 30-40 years old, wearing black pants, a black hooded sweatshirt, and ablack mask. A similar report was made by another resident in the area.Investigation is continuing.

At 7:09 p.m., a bicyclist was traveling north on Myrtle, crossingthe street at Walnut, when a vehicle failed to stop at the stop sign at Walnutand struck the bicyclist. The driver gave the bicyclist a thumbs-up sign andcontinued driving. The bicyclist sustained minor injuries. Investigation is continuing.

May 24

At 2:11 a.m., police dispatch received calls regarding shots firedand people seen running in the 800 block South Mayflower. As officers arrivedon scene, two subjects were seen running into a house in the 900 block of SouthMayflower. Officers made contact with the subjects inside the house, and theinterior of the residence was checked for anyone needing medical assistance,but everyone checked out fine. Officers canvassed the area and located 16 spentcasings throughout the 400 block of West Chestnut. No injured subjects orsuspects were located. The investigation is continuing.

At 7:13 a.m., officers responded to a business in the 400 block ofSouth Myrtle regarding an alarm activation. When officers arrived, they couldsmell natural gas emitting from the location. The Monrovia Fire Department wasnotified. The area was evacuated and the Gas Company responded. The gas supplyto the business was shut off and the source of the leak was being investigatedby the Gas Company. No injuries reported.

At 1:35 p.m., a resident in the 400 block of East Foothill calledto report someone had stolen the catalytic converter from his Honda Elementsometime during the night. Investigation is continuing.

May 25

At 9:26 a.m., a resident in the 100 block of West Cypress calledto report that sometime during the night someone tried to steal her vehicle.She noticed her ignition had been tampered with. Investigation is continuing.

At 2:05 p.m., two motorists were traveling toward each other inthe 600 block of Norumbega. They were at a blind curve when they collided intoone another and their airbags deployed. One driver sustained an injury to thearm from the airbag and the other driver complained of pain to the head andneck. The drivers were treated at the scene by Monrovia Paramedics.

May 26

At 3 p.m., a resident in the 200 block of West Colorado calledpolice to report her residence had been burglarized. She locked and left herresidence at 11:30 a.m. to go shopping. When she returned, she discovered hergarage door had been forced open. A check of the residence revealed the onlyloss was 40 rolls of toilet paper. Investigation is continuing.

At 3:35 p.m., a resident in the 300 block of Oakcliff calledpolice to report a family member had come to the location that was not allowedper a valid restraining order. The subject said he disobeyed the order, butindicated he went to the location to retrieve his vehicle. The subject wasadvised regarding the court order, and a verified complaint will be completedand forwarded to the District Attorney’s Office.

At 10:58 p.m., a resident in the 1800 block of South Encino calledpolice to report two suspects driving a U-Haul that were taking mail frommailboxes. Officers arrived and located the vehicle still in the area. When thesuspects saw the officer, they took off at a high rate of speed. The vehicleabruptly stopped on First, north of Fano in Arcadia, where the suspects fled onfoot. Arcadia Police Department and the Foothill Air Support Team helicopterresponded to assist with containment and a search of the area, but the suspectswere not found. The U-Haul van was found to be an unreported stolen fromChatsworth U-Haul. There were several pieces of stolen mail from Arcadia andMonrovia in the vehicle. One of the suspects left their personal identificationin the vehicle. Investigation is continuing.

May 27

At 11:33 a.m., a resident in the 900 block of West Hillcrestcalled police to report that someone had stolen her Honda CRV sometime duringthe night. The investigation is continuing.

At 12:43 p.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from a business parkinglot in the 1600 block of South Mountain. The victim parked his vehicle in theparking lot and went inside the business. When he returned, his Ford F250 wasgone. Officers searched the area and located the vehicle to the rear of abusiness in Duarte. The vehicle was missing the catalytic converter and atoolbox from the bed of the truck. Investigation is continuing.

At 1:51 p.m., an employee from a business in the 600 block of WestHuntington called police to report four male suspects entered the business andgrabbed various phones and watches, and then left without paying for themerchandise. Officers responded, but the suspects were not located. Theinvestigation is continuing.

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