Rose Bowl COVID-19 Testing Site Closes Down
The drive-thru testing located at the Rose Bowl Stadiumtransitioned to local clinics on Friday. Since opening in early April, the sitehas performed over 9,000 COVID-19 tests for local residents and essentialworkers. Pasadena residents who tested positive for COVID-19 weresubsequently contacted by members of the Pasadena Public Health Departmentto advise on self-isolation protocol and perform contact tracing to help identifyadditional positive cases.
COVID-19 testing will continue at ChapCare’s Kathryn Barger HealthCenter in Pasadena, located at 1595 N. Lake Ave., by appointmentonly, Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. Testing is availableto anyone who wants to be tested for COVID-19. To schedule a test, visit
For additional testing opportunities, call your primary care provider.If you do not have a primary care provider, call Los Angeles County’s 2-1-1service. There are also urgent care clinics in Pasadena that do COVID-19testing, call ahead to find out details. For a list of additional COVID-19testing sites in L.A. County, along with answers to frequently asked questionsabout COVID-19 testing, visit