Arcadia Announces Limited Reopening of City Facilities by Appointment
Virtualservices are still available and encouraged
The City ofArcadia is reopening City Hall to the public for services by appointment onlyfor essential activities in response to the revised Safer at Home Order issuedby Los Angeles County on May 13, 2020. These include building permits,inspections, and planning related services.
City Hall isstill fully staffed to respond to requests for services by phone, email, oronline, and the public is encouraged to continue to use these services in orderto help limit the spread of COVID-19. Arcadia City Council and PlanningCommission meetings will still be conducted virtually until further relaxationof the Safer at Home Order by Los AngelesCounty.
“We aretransitioning to Phase 2 of the County’s Roadmap to Recovery,” said CityManager Dominic Lazzaretto. “As we ease back into more normal activity we arelooking at ways to continue to provide high quality services to our community.Our virtual services have been very popular over the past few months and weencourage Arcadians to continue to utilize them; however, we recognize that notall city business is best suited for this,” he added.
On May 13,2020, the County of Los Angeles amended the Safer at Home Order to allow retailestablishments, open spaces, and other non-essential services to beginreopening under certain guidelines and restrictions. A copy of the revised LosAngeles County Order and additional regulations can be found on the city’swebsite at or by
What’s Open Guide
Department | Public Access/Services | Facilities |
City Manager’s Office (626) 574-5401 | By Appointment | City Hall 240 W. Huntington Drive |
Arcadia Police Department (626) 574-5150 | By Appointment; Walk-In Services for Court Documents | Arcadia Police Department 250 W. Huntington Drive |
Arcadia Fire Department (626) 574-5100 | By Appointment; Fire Inspections | Closed to Public |
Public Works Services (626) 254-2720 | By Appointment | Public Works Services 11800 Goldring Road |
Development Services (626) 574-5415 | By Appointment; Plan Check; Inspections; Planning & Building Services; Permits | City Hall 240 W. Huntington Drive |
Arcadia Public Library (626) 821-5567 | Virtual Only; Curbside Services | Arcadia Public Library 20 W. Duarte Road |
Recreation & Comm. Services (626) 574-5113 | By Appointment; Tennis Courts; Par 3 Golf Course; Wilderness Park | Various; Community Center is closed; contact Recreation for more details |
Administrative Services (626) 574-5405 | By Appointment | City Hall 240 W. Huntington Drive |
Tenniscourts are now open for modified use. All players must abide by posted rulesand those who ignore the guidelines will not be allowed to play. The rulesinclude:
- Time limitof one hour.
- Everyonemust wear a face covering at all times, except during actual play.
- Socialdistancing of 6 feet is required at all times.
- Only singlesplay (two players per court) will be allowed. Doubles are not permitted.
- Players musthave their own towels and equipment to use. All tennis balls must have theowner’s initials on them. Participants will only be permitted to handle theirown tennis balls.
- Players mustclean up after themselves and keep the courts clean.
WildernessPark is also open for modified use and people who do not follow posted ruleswill not be allowed to use the park. Regulations include:
- The parkwill be open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., along with the upper restrooms.
- The NatureCenter will remain closed.
- Waterfountains will be non-operational.
- Picnics willnot be allowed.
- Everyonemust wear a face covering at all times.
- People mustmaintain a minimum of 6 feet away from each other.
- Staff willclean high contact areas each hour.
- Hand sanitizerwill be available on site.
- Visitorsmust clean up after themselves and keep the park clean.