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Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Pasadena Independent Rose Bowl Loop Reopens for Recreational Users

Rose Bowl Loop Reopens for Recreational Users

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File photo by Terry Miller / Beacon Media News

The City of Pasadena reopened the Rose Bowl loop Wednesday for pedestrians, runners and cyclists. Users must abide by the following guidelines:

  • Practice physical distancing and provide at least six feet of space at all times.
  • Face coverings should be worn—even when exercising—as long as your airflow is not restricted.
  • Gather with members of the same household only.
  • Alert one another when passing by and allow room to safely pass.
  • Users must also take their trash with them to protect other loop users, staff and wildlife.

Staff will be positioned along the loop to make sure users are abiding by the guidelines listed above.

“We hope people will do the right thing and keep each other safe while enjoying the loop. If we see a lot of people not keeping a safe distance from each other or not following the other safety guidelines recommended by health officials, we’ll have to recalibrate and consider closing the loop again,” said Public Information Officer Lisa Derderian.

The loop is open from 6 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., and parking is available in Lot I. Parking is limited to 90 minutes and will be strictly enforced. The loop is closed to vehicular traffic, except for vehicles accessing the COVID-19 testing site and Brookside Golf Course, which are guided through by traffic monitors.

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